Grant Gustafson at

Linear Algebra 2270 Local Documents Spring 2007

2270-2 meets T-TH in JTB 130 4:20pm

2270 Spring 2007
Updated: Wednesday May 23: 06:01AM, 2007   Today: Saturday December 14: 10:27AM, 2024
  • The web records are now available, including all dailies, maple labs, extra credit, midterm exams [1,2,3] and the final exam. There are 103 dailies used for grading, which discounts 8 dailies from the 111 collected. Extra credit accumulates to at most 100% in a chapter, and does not transfer across chapters. Midterm exam 3 had some adjusted scores, so if your scores don't match, then accept them as printed, unless your score went down [likely a typo]. If you find an error in your record, and you think that editing the record will change your rank in class or your final grade, then please reply by email with the details. The final grade average is 0.3(daily average) + 0.7(exam average). The final exam counts as two midterms.
  • The electronic records, sorted by rank in class. There are no names here. Match your record by rank in class and then by exam scores. Last update 11 May 2007.
    Click here for S2007 2270-2 records. ( 14K text)
  • May 7: The final exams are outside my door 113jwb. May 8: The final exam key is in a link below.

    2270-2 Due Dates Spring 2007

    1. 2270-2 [4:20pm] due dates for submitted work
      Due dates updated daily
    2. 2270-2 [4:20pm] Gradesheet with assignments.
      Gradesheet pdf ( 39K pdf)
    3. 2270 [4:20pm] Extra Credit. Cancel those zeros and fifty-fives!
      Extra credit problems

    2270-2 Maple Spring 2007

    1. 2270-2 [4:20pm] maple lab 1
      Click Here ( 53K pdf)
    2. 2270-2 [4:20pm] maple lab 1 code examples
      Click Here (167 text)
    3. 2270-2 [4:20pm] maple lab 2
      Click Here ( 62K pdf)
    4. 2270-2 [4:20pm] maple lab 2 code examples
      Click Here (1.6K text)

    2270-2 Midterm Exams Spring 2007

  • Spring 2007 Exams
    Exam 1 on 14 Feb 2007
    Study guide for exam 1
    Study guide /w sample problems ( 42K pdf)
    Exam 1 key Spring 2007 (337K pdf)
    Exam 2 on 28 Mar 2007
    Sample exam 2 ( 43K pdf)
    Revised Sample Exam 2 ( 43K pdf)
    Exam 2 key Spring 2007 (332K pdf)
    Exam 3 on 18 Apr 2007
    Sample exam 3 ( 86K pdf)
    Exam 3 key Spring 2007 (332K pdf)
    Final Exam on 1 May 2007, 4:30-8:30pm
    Study guide for the final exam S2007 (3.6K text)
    Grading key for the final exam S2007 (449K pdf)

  • Old exams 2004 follow
    Midterm 1 for 2270-1 (8:35am) Spring 2004
    pdf postscript document (33k)
    Sample In-class exam 1, pdf postscript document (23k)
    Midterm 2 for 2270-1 (8:35am) Spring 2004
    pdf postscript document (46k)
    Midterm 3 for 2270-1 (8:35am) Spring 2004
    Text document (2k)
    Sample Final Exam for 2270-1 (8:35am) Spring 2004
    TEXT document (3k)
    1. Gustafson's 2270-2 [4:20pm] course syllabus Spring 2007
      pdf postscript syllabus (105K pdf)
      Linear Algebra, Otto Bretscher
      Print locally or use Adobe AcroRead [acrobat reader]
    2. Gustafson's 2270-2 gradesheet Spring 2007
      pdf postscript gradesheet ( 39K pdf)
    3. 2270 format for submitted work
      How to improve your written work ( 25K pdf)

    1. Linear Algebraic Equations manuscript
      Linear algebra, no matrices (579K pdf)
    2. Vector and matrix manuscript
      vectors and matrices (190K pdf)
    3. Matrix Equations manuscript
      matrix equations (116K pdf)
    4. Determinants and Cramer's Rule manuscript
      determinants (186K pdf)
    5. Independence, Rank, Dimension manuscript
      independence (206K pdf)
    6. Eigenanalysis slides
      Fourier's Model slides ( 36K pdf)
      Eigenanalysis-I manuscript S2007 (203K pdf)
      Eigenanalysis-II manuscript S2007 (268K pdf)
      Week 10 eigenanalysis (853K pdf)


      Linear equations, reduced echelon, three rules (typeset, 7 pages, pdf)
      Three rules, frame sequence, maple syntax (typeset, 7 pages, pdf, 12 Oct 2006)
      Elementary matrices, vector spaces, slides (8 pages, pdf, 12 Oct 2006)
      Frame sequence and general solution, 3x3 system (1 page, pdf, 28-Sep-2006)
      LU decomposition (pdf, 1Feb2007)
      LU decomposition exercise (pdf, 1Feb2007)
      Pivot method, equivalent bases (slides 7 pages, pdf)

    Previous Course Spring 2004
    Previous Course Fall 2003
    Link to Department of Mathematics, University of Utah