Utah State Math Contest Registration
The Utah State Math Contest will be held entirely remotely (online) on March 1, 2023.
Guidelines for administering and returning the completed exams will be forthcoming
by email and posted on the event website. By registering the following students,
you are agreeing to fairly administer, proctor, and return the completed exams. No
registration fee is required. Please note the names of the students and the name
of the school must match those written on the returned exams.
This form is to be filled out by the exam administrator only. For students affiliated
with a middle or high school, we anticipate the exam administrator to be, most often,
a certified teach or school staff/administrator. For all other students, acceptable
exam administrators are private or university testing centers and public librarians
(many public libraries offer proctoring services). A student's parent or guardian
is not allowed to be the student's exam administrator.