Mathematical Biology Seminar

Fall Semester, 2003
Wednesdays at 3:05pm in LCB 225

  • September 3: Tom Robbins, Math Department, University of Utah, "Mechanistic Models for Seed Dispersal" Abstract

  • September 10: Alun Thomas, Genetic Epidemiology, University of Utah, "Graphical modelling of the joint distribution of alleles at associated loci. HapGraphs not HapMaps."Abstract

  • September 17: Mike Kirby, School of Computing, University of Utah (joint Applied Math/Math Biology Seminar) "Simulation Science: The Modeling of Real-World Problems" (Abstract)

  • September 24: David Eyre, Idaho Technologies, "Sequence Algorithms for PCR Primer Design." (abstract).

  • September 29: Philip Maini, Oxford University (Please note the unusual time and day - 4:30pm Monday; joint Math Biology/Applied Math Seminar, "The effect of domain growth on pattern selection in a model pattern generator" (abstract).

  • October 8: David Carrier, Biology Department, University of Utah,The Face That Sunk the Essex: Potential Function of the Spermaceti Organ in Aggression (Abstract)

  • October 15: John Milton, University of Chicago. "Neural control at the edge of instability"(Abstract)

  • October 22 Jim Keener, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah, "The Topology of Defibrillation",(Abstract)

  • October 27: Ron Siegel, University of Minnesota, "Modeling of Rhythmic Drug and Hormone Delivery" (Abstract)

  • October 29: James Sneyd, University of Auckland "Modulation of calcium oscillations by membrane fluxes" (Abstract)

  • November 12: Dave Bowling, Biology Department, University of Utah, Photosynthetic and respiratory fluxes and their isotopic content in a Colorado s ubalpine forest (Abstract)

  • November 19: Yan-Ting Shiu, Bioengineering Department, University of Utah, "Effects of Fluid Shear Stress on Endothelial Cell Function" (Abstract)

  • December 3: Chris Myers, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Utah, " An Asynchronous Circuit Model of the Lambda Virus" (Abstract)

  • March 31: Villu Maricq, Biology Department, University of Utah

    Other Seminars of Interest:




    Bioscience Calendar

    PAST Math Biology Seminars:

    Seminars for Fall Semester, 1998

    Seminars for Spring Semester, 1999

    Seminars for Summer 1999

    Seminars for Fall 1999

    Seminars for Spring 2000

    Seminars for Fall 2000

    Seminars for Spring 2001

    Seminars for Fall 2001

    Seminars for Spring 2002

    Seminars for Fall 2002

    Seminars for Spring 2003

    For more information contact Jim Keener, 1-6089
