New and Notable

Math Biology Seminar

Recruitment Poster

Recruitment Poster

Graduate Funding opportunities

Institutional opportunities

There are several sources of funding available for graduate students, including teaching assistantships, research assistantships and fellowships. All applicants to graduate school are automatically considered for Teaching Assistantships. Research Assistantships are available to advanced students who are working on a research project that is funded by the NSF or NIH. Ask your advisor about this possibility.

In addition, we have recently received funding from the NSF for our Research Training Group (RTG) in Mathematical Biology. This will provide funds to support undergraduate (REU) students, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows. For a description of the RTG graduate student funding opportunities, see this site. RTG support is available only to US citizens or permanent residents.

Application to the Math Biology Graduate program is through the Math Department at this graduate program website.

National opportunities

Young researchers (first year grad students and senior undergraduates) are encouraged to apply for early research awards from the NSF.

Many conferences and professional societies offer research and travel funding awards.

Travel Grants

Burroughs Wellcome Collaborative Research Travel Grants (This award supports Ph.D. candidates, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty researchers traveling to laboratories domestically or internationally in order to acquire new research techniques, facilitate or begin collaborations, or attend courses.)*