NSF Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship

Ryleigh at the oceanI was selected to take part in a 10 week summer internship program put on by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Oak Ridge Insititute for Science and Education (ORISE) aimed at pairing math graduate students with experts in industry. I worked with Marissa Torres, a research engineer at the US Army Corps of Engineers Cold Regions Research and Engineering lab, to study the ocean tide for use in storm surge modeling. We used time series and harmonic analyses to gain more insights into the constituents of the tide over different lengths of time. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, I was unable to complete the internship on-site in Hanover, NH; however, the remote expereince of working with and meeting experts in the field of ocean processes modeling was an incredible expereince. I learned a lot about how I, as an applied mathematican, can use my skills to help experts in other fields. The interdiciplinary research is very exciting for me and I learned a lot during this internship.

Here is the resulting technical report: "Characterization of Seasonal Variability in Tides"

I was selected to be interviewed about my expereince in the program. You can find the resulting article here.