Supplementary Materials  for Math 3080 - 1

    Previous Math 3030 Classes.

  1. Home Page for Treibergs' Math 3080 - 1, Spring 2014.
  2. Home Page for Treibergs' Math 3080 - 1, Spribg 2010.
  3. Home Page for Treibergs' Math 3080 - 1, Spring 2005.
  4. Elisha Hughes Syllabus & Lecture Notes for Math 3080 - 1, Spring 2009.

  5. Examples of Data Analyses and Explanations.

  6. Example from Jan. 13, 2016. (R; Determining Sample Size for given Type I and Type II Errors.)
  7. Example from Jan. 13, 2016. (R Birth Weight Example: One-Sample z-Test, CI and Power.)
  8. Example from Jan. 20, 2016. (R; 1-Factor Anovs: Pupil Math Scores Example.), Boxplots, QQ Plot.
  9. Example from Jan. 20, 2016. (R; Chrysanthemum Example: Single Factor ANOVA.)
  10. Data for Problem B1 from Jan. 20, 2016. (txt; Cable Example: Single Factor ANOVA.)
  11. Example from Jan. 25, 2016. (R; Hardness Example: Tukey's Multiple Comparison.)
  12. Example from Jan. 25, 2016. (R; Concrete Example: Apriori Contrast. )
  13. Example from Jan. 27, 2016. (R; Sorption Example: Unbalanced Single Factor ANOVA.)
  14. Example from Jan. 27, 2016. (R; Spectrophotometer Example: Single Factor Random Effects ANOVA.)
  15. Example from Feb. 1, 2016. (R; Humidification Example: Two Factor ANOVA with One Observation per Cell)
  16. Example from Feb. 1, 2016. (R; Straw Example: Randomized Block Design ANOVA.)
  17. Example from Feb. 1, 2016. (R; Fruit Fly Example: Randomized Block Design ANOVA.)
  18. Example from Feb. 1, 2016. (R; Circuit Example: One Factor Randomized Block Design ANOVA)
  19. Example from Feb. 3, 2016. (R; Cleaning Example: Two Factors with Significant Interactions ANOVA)
  20. Example from Feb. 3, 2016. (R; Cap Example: Two Way Mixed Effects ANOVA--Data Only Gives Sums per Cell)

  21. Sample Problems and Tests Having ANOVA Questions.

  22. Solutions to First Midterm, Feb. 10, 2016.
  23. Review for Mar. 29, 2010. Solved Sample Problems for Second Midterm.
  24. Solutions to Second Midterm, March 31, 2010.
  25. Solutions to First Midterm, Feb. 10, 2010.
  26. Solutions to First Midterm, Jan. 5, 2014.
  27. Review for Apr. 29, 2010. Solved Sample Problems for Final Exam.
  28. May 12. Solutions for Final Exam, Spring 2010.

  29. Examples of Data Analyses and Explanations.

  30. Example from Feb. 17, 2016. (R; Air Bag Example: Three Fixed Factor ANOVA.)
  31. Example from Feb. 17, 2016. (R; Milking Example: Latin Square ANOVA.)
  32. Example from Feb. 17, 2016. (R; Leather Example: Three Treatment Latin Square ANOVA Design)
  33. Example from Feb. 22, 2016. (R; Switch Example: 24 factorial Design with Blocking Effect and Contrasts by Yates' Method.)
  34. Example from Feb. 22, 2016. (R; Peanut Example: 25 Factorial Half Replication ANOVA.)
  35. Example from Feb. 22, 2016. (R; Clean Coal Example Example: 23 Factorial via Yates Method.)
  36. Example from Feb. 22, 2016. (R; Turbine Blade Example: 26 Factorial Quarter Replicates.)
  37. Example from Feb. 24, 2016. (R; Truck Example: Simple Regression Formulas.)
  38. Example from Feb. 24, 2016. (R; Drill Example: Diagnostic Plots in Regression.)
  39. Example from Feb. 29, 2016. (R; Speedway Example: CI's in Simple Regression.)
  40. Example from Mar. 3, 2016. (R; Loblolly Example: Correlation.)
  41. Example from Mar. 7, 2016. (R; Pumpkin Example: Transformations to Remedy Diagnostic Nonlinearity.)
  42. Example from Mar. 7, 2016. (R Windmill example: transforming variables in a simple linear regression.)
  43. Example from Mar. 9, 2016. (R; Paddy Example: Polynomial Regression.)
  44. Example from Mar. 9, 2016. (R; Polycarbonate Example: Polynomial Regression.)
  45. Example from Mar. 17, 2014. (R; Potato Example: Basic ANOVA Table in Multiple Regression.)

  46. Second Midterms and Sample Problems.

  47. Solved Sample Problems for First Midterm, Feb. 3, 2010.
  48. Review for Mar. 29, 2010. Solved Sample Problems for Second Midterm.
  49. Solutions to Second Midterm, March 31, 2010.
  50. Solutions to Second Midterm, March 19, 2014.
  51. Solutions to Second Midterm, March 23, 2016.

  52. Examples of Data Analyses and Explanations.

  53. Example from Mar. 28, 2016. (R; Potato Example: Partial F-Test.)
  54. Example from Mar. 30, 2016. (R; Potato Example: Stepwise Regression.)
  55. Example from Mar. 30, 2016. (R; Colleges and Universities Example: Qualitative Variables in Multiple Regression. Matrix Formulation of Regression.)
  56. Example from Mar. 30, 2016. (R; Beam Example: Influential Observations and the Hat Matrix.)
  57. Example from Mar. 30, 2016. (R; Car Example: Multicollinearity in Multiple Regression.)
  58. Example from Mar. 30, 2016. (MacAnova; Lake Conductivity Example: Best Subsets Regression.)
  59. Example from Apr. 6, 2016. (R; Grasshopper Example: Influence Measures.)
  60. Example from Apr. 11, 2016. (R Kerrich Example: Chi-Squared Test for Goodness of Fit for Binomial Variables with Known Parameters.)
  61. Example from Apr. 11, 2016. (R Pregnancy Example: Chi-Squared Test for Goodness of Fit for Continuous Variables with Known Parameters.)
  62. Example from Apr. 11, 2016. (R Pregnancy 2 Example: The Ryan-Joiner and Shapiro-Wilk Tests for Normality.)
  63. Example from Apr. 11, 2016. (R Horse Kick Example: Chi-Squared Test for Goodness of Fit for Continuous Variables with Unknown Parameters.)
  64. Example from Apr. 11, 2016. (R Benford's Law: Counting Frequencies and Chi-Squared Test of Proportion.)
  65. Example from Apr. 13, 2016. (R Beryllium Example: Chi-Squared Test for Homogeneity.)
  66. Example from Apr. 13, 2016. (R Telecommuting Example: Chi-Squared Test for Independence.)
  67. Example from Apr. 20, 2016. (R Hydroxylation Example: Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test for One Sample.)
  68. Example from Apr. 20, 2016. (R Baseball Game Time Example: Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test for Two Samples.)
  69. Example from Apr. 25, 2016. (R Carpace Example: Confidence Intervals for the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test for One Sample.)
  70. Example from Apr. 25, 2016. (R Gas Transport Example: Confidence Intervals in the Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test for Two Samples.)

  71. Finals and Sample Problems.

  72. Review for Apr. 29, 2010. Solved Sample Problems for Final Exam.
  73. May 12. Solutions for Final Exam, Spring 2010.
  74. Final Exam given Apr. 28, 2014.

  75. More Examples: Data Analyses and Explanations.

  76. Example from Jan. 25, 2010. (R solution of Chi-Sq test for probabilities with parameter.)
  77. Example from Jan. 27, 2010. (R solution of Chi-Sq tests for independence and homogeneity.)
  78. Example from Feb. 1, 2010. (R solution of simple linear regression.)
  79. Solution to Homework A (see no. 3, 6, E1) Spring 2010.
  80. Example from Feb. 3, 2010. (Excel solution of simple linear regression.)
  81. Example from Feb. 17, 2010. (R Paper example: transforming variables in a simple linear regression.)
  82. Example from Feb. 17, 2010. (R Plastic example p. 431 of text: diagnostic plots including studentized residuals for a simple linear regression.)
  83. Example from Feb. 22, 2010. (R Woodchuck example: Hypothesis tests on correlation coefficient.)
  84. Example from Feb. 24, 2010. (R Spectroscopy example: Multiple regression.)
  85. Example from Mar. 1, 2010. (Maple© Matrix Calculations in Spectroscopy Example: Multiple regression.)
  86. Example from Mar. 15, 2010. (Excel; Chrysanthemum Example: Single Factor ANOVA.)
  87. Example from Mar. 15, 2010. (R; Chrysanthemum Example: Single Factor ANOVA & Diagnostics.)
  88. Example from Mar. 17, 2010. (R; Tea Example: Unbalanced Design in Single Factor ANOVA.)
  89. Example from Mar. 17, 2010. (Excel; Hormone Example: Single Factor ANOVA, Contrasts and Tukey's Honest Significant Differences)
  90. Example from Mar. 17, 2010. (R; Hormone Example: Single Factor ANOVA, Contrasts and Tukey's Honest Significant Differences)
  91. Example from April 5, 2010. (R; Precambrian Iron Example: Single Factor ANOVA, Tukey's Honest Significant Differences)
  92. Example from April 7, 2010. (R; Rail Example: Random Effects Single Factor ANOVA
  93. Example from April 7, 2010. (R; Anesthetic Example: One Factor Randomized Block Design ANOVA)
  94. Example from April 14, 2010. (R; Hardness Example: Two Factor ANOVA with Several Observations per Cell)
  95. Example from April 21, 2010. (R; Spray Example: 23 Factorial with Multiple Replicates Per Cell ANOVA Design)
  96. Example from April 21, 2010. (R; Fly Ash Example: 23 Factorial with One Replicate Per Cell ANOVA Design)
  97. Example from April 26, 2010. (R; Peanut Oil Example: Fractional 25 ANOVA Design)
  98. Example from April 26, 2010. (R; Bread Wrapper Example: 24 Incomplete Block Design ANOVA)
  99. Example from Feb. 10, 2014. (R; Metal Rod Example: 23 Factorial ANOVA.)

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