Summer 2002 REU:
Reading List

Department of Mathematics, The University of Utah

The following is a reading list for the summer 2002 REU on "Random Walks and Simulation." This list will be continually updated, so feel free to refer back to it several times.
  1. William Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, Volume I, John Wiley and Sons, Third Edition, 1968.
    (On reserve at the Marriott Library.)
  2. Gregory Lawler and Lester N. Coyle, Lectures on Contemporary Probability, American Mathematical Society, 2000.
    (On reserve at the Marriott Library.)
  3. Gordon Slade, Random walks, American Scientist, 84, 146-153, 1996.
    (On reserve at the Marriott Library.)
  4. Gordon Slade, Self-avoiding random walks, Mathematical Intelligencer, 16, 29-35, 1994.
    (On reserve at the Marriott Library.)

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