Mathematical Modeling

MWF 09:40 AM-10:30 AM AEB 310
Three credit hours

Professor Andrej Cherkaev

Department of Mathematics  
Office: JWB 225 
Tel : +1 801 - 581 6822

Preliminary syllabus  


Complement. Geocentric and Heliocentric systems

  1. HW 1. Write a short essay (one or two pages) about development of the model of Universe (geocentral- heliocental - Newton's gravity- Einstein's general relativity. Discuss the motivation of the model development, types of the model (data-fitting, equation-solving), Discuss thought model and experimental data in the modeling. See Introduction for hints and references.
    Due Monday, Jan. 12.

Traffic flow: Main model:  Lighthill, Whitham and Richards (LWR) model (Google it!)

The main text: Stephen Childress (NYU) Notes on traffic flow:

More simple presentation: Kurt Bryan (Rose-Hulman).
Traffic flow I
Traffic flow II

Engineering textbook exposition L.H. Immers and S. Logghe. (KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN) Traffic Flow Theory 2002

Discussion of traffic shock waves: Christopher Lustri (Oxford, UK) Continuum Modelling of Traffic Flow 2010 


    1. Consider a circular road with initial distribution of the cars. Model and simulate traffic starting from an inhomogeneous density distribution.
    Try to change the speed function u(rho) (endorse regulations) to influence traffic jams: Assume that u depends on rho and x, u=u(rho, x). In a point of the road, the speed must be reduced to the half of the maximal speed. (Group 1)

    2. Add the dissipation to the traffic model. Investigate the dependence of close-to-shock wave motion on the dissipation parameter D. (Group 2)

    3. Model and simulate traffic on a road with one entry and one exit. Regulate the entry density to avoid jams. Estimate the effect of regulation on the travel time.(Group 3)

    4. Model and simulate traffic at a two-line road when one line is closed. Change the speed limit before the point of closure. How this affects the traffic jam  and the travel time. (Groups 4, 5)

    5. Impement Rule 184 model for 12 cars in a circular road of 80 cells. (Group 6)

Additional sources (numerics and modeling)

    1. Modeling and Numerical Approximation of Traffic Flow Problems Prof. Dr. Ansgar Jungel A Universitaat Mainz Lecture Notes (preliminary version) numeric, burger's equation
    2. Theory and simulation.
    3. derivation, numerical advices
    4. Google "Rule 184"
Home work: Evolutionary games  Due Friday March 7.
Original formulation of the evolutionary problem

Project: Chain reaction List of projects

Projects: Design List of projects