Research experience for undergraduates application form

Summer 2016 deadline: Tuesday May 17, 4pm

In order to complete your application, you also need to submit before the deadline to ugrad_director(AT) math (DOT) utah [DOT] edu the following supplementary material:
  • A letter of support from your mentor (usually sent to the email above directly by your mentor).
  • A current unofficial transcript (generated on CIS). If you have a considerable amount of transfer credits (especially for Math classes), please include an unofficial transcript from your previous institution(s). ( If sent by email, please use the PDF format.)
  • A project proposal prepared with your mentor. (If sent by email, please use the PDF format.)
  • If this is a continuing award: your report from previous semester, approved by your mentor.

Form Instructions

  • The form may appear embedded within a frame with its own scroll bar. If this is the case, make sure you scroll to the bottom (within the frame)
  • When you are done, press the SUBMIT button, otherwise your response will not be recorded! You should see a confirmation message. If you don't you can submit the form again.