Math Portion
Summer 2004

College of Science
Math Department
Nick Korevaar's home page

Send e-mail to :
Nick Korevaar
Sharon Davis
Sid Rudolph
Irene Cervantes

JULY 6-9, 2004

     Welcome back to Math! The week 1 schedule now lives at week1.html Our themes for this week are scaling laws in nature, and fractal geometry. Our tentative schedule is shown below. It may change as the week progresses.

My (Nick's) office is in LCB 204 and my phone number is 581-7318. This schedule lives at

Tuesday July 6
8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m.
JTB 120
Math class advising, with Angie Gardiner, our Director of Undergraduate Services, and early ACCESS graduate.
JTB 120
Geometric scaling: how to rescale space and Bob with affine transformations.

Wednesday July 7
JTB 120
What are fractals, and how to turn Bob into one.
Constructing interated function system (IFS) fractals with Maple. Here is a directory with procedures and examples. fractals
JTB 120
"What if Animals were Fractals?", a lecture by Fred Adler who is fractional himself, being 1/2 Math Professor and 1/2 Biology Professor. A reference for Fred's talk is "A General Model for the Origin of Allometric Scaling Laws in Biology", G.B. West, J.H. Brown, and B.J. Enquist, "Science Magazine" 276 4/7/97 p. 122-125,

Thursday July 8:
8:30-10:10 a.m.
PC-Lab 1735
Making your own fractals with Maple, part of your group project for this week.
LCB 323
"Percolation, polycrystals, polymers and penguins: the mathematics and physics of Antarctic sea ice and hi-tech composite materials" lecture by Math Professor Ken Golden. The survey paper on his work on Antarctic sea ice is "Icy Math", in "Science News" 158 #6, 8/12/2000. You can find it in the archives of

Friday July 9:
PC-Lab 1735
Testing the body mass index hypothesis with the data you have collected: For people of equal fatness or skinniness, is weight roughly proportional to the square of height, should there be a different power law, or is there no good power law? This will be part of your week 4 project. The file bmi.mws  ( bmi.pdf) introduces the discussion and Maple commands, and the file htwts.mws has our ACCESS data.
Your group project assignment for this week is detailed in assignment2.pdf