Math Portion
Summer 2002

College of Science
Math Department

Send e-mail to : Nick Korevaar
Emina Alibegovic
Kandice Nielson
Sid Rudolph

Nick Korevaar's home page
Emina Alibegovic's home page
Week 1 Schedule

July 8-12, 2002

     This is the schedule for the fourth week of ACCESS, our second week of math. Our themes for this week are scaling laws in nature, and fractal geometry. Our tentative schedule is shown below. It may change as the week progresses.

     Emina Alibegovic and Kandice Nielson will be helping again. My office is in LCB 204 and my phone number is 581-7318. This schedule lives at

Monday July 8:
8:30-10:10 a.m.
JTB 120
Geometric scaling: how to rescale space and Bob with affine transformations.
JTB 120
What are fractals and how can you turn Bob into one?

Tuesday July 9:
8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
Student Union
Room 293
Kathy Brooks, the director of the Women's Resource Center, will tell you about its offerings and feed you breakfast.
9:15-10:40 a.m.
PC-Lab 1735
We will finish talking about Section 3 of yesterdays notes, the fractal revolution.
fractals  a directory with Maple procedures for making fractals.
JTB 120
Math class advising with Angie Gardiner, our Department's Director of Undergraduate Services.

Wednesday July 10:
8:30-10:10 a.m.
PC-Lab 1735
Making your own fractals with Maple.
JTB 120
"What if Animals were Fractals?", a lecture by Fred Adler who is fractional himself, being 1/2 Math Professor and 1/2 Biology Professor. The paper Fred discussed is "A General Model for the Origin of Allometric Scaling Laws in Biology", G.B. West, J.H. Brown, and B.J. Enquist, "Science Magazine", 276, 4 April 97, pages 122-125. Here is a link,, which you should be able to access from University computers.

Thursday July 11:
8:30-10:10 a.m.
PC-Lab 1735
Testing the body mass index hypothesis with the data you have collected: For people of equal fatness or skinniness, is weight roughly proportional to the square of height, should there be a different power law, or is there no good power law? A maple template is located at Emina's Access page. The data you collected for us, with a few extra babies and kids, is in htwtsplus.mws.
JWB 335
"Percolation, polycrystals, polymers and penguins: the mathematics and physics of Antarctic sea ice and hi-tech composite materials" lecture by Math Professor Ken Golden. The survey paper on his work on Antarctic sea ice is "Icy Math", in "Science News" 158 #6, 8/12/2000. You can find it in the archives of

Friday June 12:
PC-Lab 1735
Marriott Labs
Work on your week 4 project.pdf.