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Graduate Studies in Mathematical Biology:

Support and Application Procedures

Financial Assistance: Several fellowships for beginning graduate students to enter our new NSF-IGERT Interdisciplinary Program for Training and Research in Mathematical Biology are available. Supported students will include in their program of study several introductory Life Science courses, participate in a journal club, and do a lab rotation during the summer. To apply for this program applicants MUST include in their application to the Mathematics Department a brief statement to this effect, along with a paragraph describing their background and interest in biology and the life sciences.

The Department also provides teaching assistantships to students that are accepted with funding; research assistantships are also available from individual faculty research grants.

Application Procedures: Participants in this program must meet the regular application requirements of the Graduate Program in Mathematics. This does not mean, however, that an undergraduate degree must be in Mathematics. Students with strong quantitative skills, regardless of undergraduate major are encouraged to apply. The program of study will be modified as appropriate to accomodate a diversity of mathematical backgrounds. Applicants for the IGERT program MUST include in their application to the Mathematics Department a brief statement to this effect, along with a paragraph describing their background and interest in biology and the life sciences. Please contact the graduate program in the Department of Mathematics for application forms and information on deadlines or you can obtain these electronically. To receive a brochure describing the IGERT program click here.

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