If you receive our financial support (in particular, if you are a plenary speaker) we will take care of your hotel arrangements. You will be lodged at the University Guest House and (unless you are a plenary speaker) will share the room with another participant.

If you prefer not to share the room, please indicate this when you fill out the registration form. Note that you will then have to pay for half the rate yourself.

If you do not receive our financial support, you can still share a room with another participant, if you wish to. In this case, please indicate this when you fill out the registration form.

If you would like your name and email address to be listed on this page (as someone looking for a roommate), please indicate this in the registration form and visit this page periodically.

If you find a roommate (or want your name removed from this list for whatever other reason), please email firas@math.utah.edu.

Xiaoqin Guo (University of Minnesota) guoxx097@umn.edu
Ming Fang (University of Minnesota) fang0086@umn.edu
Scott McKinley (Duke University) mckinley@math.duke.edu
Nicola Squartini (University of California Irvine) nsquarti@uci.edu
Peter Ralph (University of California Berkeley) plr@stat.berkeley.edu