Because "test" is such a harsh way of putting it. No worries! I'm sure you will do fine. I recommend attending class, asking  questions, and making sure you not only do the homework, but that it makes sense. If it doesn't, clear it up sooner rather than later.  Note that these "tuizes" are going to compose a healthy portion of your grade and should therefore not be taken as lightly as a quiz. But if you are on top of your game, they shouldn't be intimidating. Hence, tuiz.

Reviews will be posted here to help you.

August 31st-
Here is our first review, which covers Chapter 1. Our tests will be closed note and closed book, and graphing calculators will NOT be allowed.

October 6th-
Second review, spanning chapters 2 through 4. Use this along with your homework to study.

Oct 26th-
Here is a review on Sigma Notation.
October 30th-
We discussed predictable averages from random events and found expected values for examples involving the roll of two and three dice.
November 4th-
We did some trig aerobics. You should do some, too, so that you are buff. See if you can shorten the calculation.
November 5th-
A Partial Fraction supplement, just to see some more examples if you would like the algebra review. Also, I'd like to point out that our book's study guide has some nice examples worked out for you  (page 1 , page 2) if you would like an algebra review involving long division.

A good Tuiz #3 Review problem would be to find the integral of any of the partial fractions you found in section 7.4

Some help with volume integrals and arc length can be found here.  Want even MORE?

Odds and ends for this section :TuiZ#3

Nov 25th-
Turkey Math

Here is a review for Chapter 6. And another one for Chapter 9 (you will have a copy of the trigomometric cheat sheet that is posted in that review).

We are almost to the end, but...

Don't konk out before the end of the semester! Remember to study for your FINAL!!

Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 7