
  1. C. Sampson, K.M. Golden, A. Gully, and A.P. Worby. Surface impedance tomography for Antarctic sea ice. Deep Sea Research II, 58(9-10):1149 – 1157, 2011.PDF

  2. J. Zhu, K.M. Golden, A. Gully, and C. Sampson. A network model for electrical transport in sea ice. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 405(14):3033 – 3036, 2010.PDF

  3. M. Barjatia, T. Tasdizen, B. Song, C. Sampson, and K.M. Golden. Network modeling of Arctic melt ponds. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 124:40 – 53, 2016. PDF

  4. Yawen Guan, Christian Sampson, J. Derek Tucker, Won Chang, Anirban Mondal, Murali Haran, and Deborah Sulsky. Computer model calibration based on image warping metrics: An application for sea ice deformation. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 24(3):444–463, Sep 2019 PDF

  5. Geir Evensen, Javier Amezcua, Marc Bocquet, Alberto Carrassi, Alban Farchi, Alison Fowler, Pieter L. Houtekamer, Christopher K. Jones, Rafael J. de Moraes, Manuel Pulido, Christian Sampson, and Femke C. Vossepoel. An international initiative of predicting the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic using ensemble data assimilation. Foundations of Data Science, 0(2639-8001 2019 0 28):65, 2020 PDF

  6. C. Sampson, A. Carrassi, A. Aydodu, and C. K. R. T Jones. Ensemble Kalman Filter for non-conservative moving mesh solvers with a joint physics and mesh location update. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meterological Scciety (in press text available on arXiv), 2021 PDF

  7. Emmanuel Fleurantin, Christian Sampson, Daniel Maes, Justin Bennet, Tayler Fernandez-Nunez, Sophia Marx, and Geir Evensen. Frontline communities and sars-cov-2 - multi-population modeling with an assessment of disparity by race/ethnicity using ensemble data assimilation. Submitted,2021 PDF

  8. C. Sampson, N.B. Murphy, E. Cherkaev, and K.M. Golden. Effective rheology and wave propagation in the marginal ice zone. Submitted 2021 PDF
  9. K.M. Golden, H. Eicken, A. Gully, M. Ingham, K.A. Jones, J. Lin, J. Reid, C. Sampson, and A.P. Worby. Electrical signature of the percolation threshold in sea ice. Submitted, 2021.PDF

  10. K.M. Golden, A. Gully, C. Sampson, D.J. Lubbers, and J.-L. Tison. Percolation threshold for fluid permeability in Antarctic granular sea ice. Preprint, 2021.PDF

  11. C. S. Sampson, Y-M Chung, D.J. Lubbers, and K.M. Golden. Crystallographic control of fluid and electrical transport in sea ice.In Preperation, 2021 PDF