LPTOPS 1L "07 May 1996" "Version 3.1.3" [section 7 of 12]

.+1[FONT MAPPING]     .+2[ENVIRONMENT]         .+3[FILES]


lptops supports all the fonts commonly available in PostScript printers. They are tabulated in the description of the short form of the -font=name option in the OPTIONS section above. Additional ones can be added to the built-in list through the long form of the -font option.

All the built-in font names are assumed to be printer-resident; font families defined by the long form of the -font option are assumed to require downloading. However, because some PostScript printers have additional resident fonts beyond the standard set known to lptops, if a downloadable font file cannot be found, the font is assumed to be printer-resident, and execution will silently continue. In such a case, the output PostScript will contain suitable comments that identify the needed fonts, so that spooling software that supports Adobe's Document Structuring Conventions version 3.0 can supply the missing fonts.

Correct support of the -wrap option requires access to Adobe font metric (.afm) files. If no font metric file can be found, metrics suitable for the default Courier font are assumed. Positioning of individual characters on the line after the first character is left to the PostScript interpreter, so absence of correct font metrics only means that some line wrapping decisions will be wrong; the text of each line will still be properly positioned.

The lptops distribution includes font metric files for all the built-in fonts, as well as for a few publicly-distributable downloadable fonts. Most PostScript-producing software packages will be accompanied by Adobe font metric files. Sun systems with OpenLook installed contain font metric files and downloadable fonts in the directories /usr/openwin/lib/fonts/afm and /usr/openwin/lib/fonts. Adobe font metric files are freely available from the Adobe electronic mail file server, ps-file-server@adobe.com; send a message with the text help to get started.

Font metric files and downloadable font files are searched for in the AFMPATH search path, or if that environment variable does not exist, in a search path set by the installer at compile time.

Downloadable fonts may be in either ASCII (.pfa) or binary (.pfb) formats. Binary data from font files is converted to hexadecimal so that the output PostScript files remain completely portable across operating systems and output devices.

PostScript font files can be converted between binary and ASCII formats with t1ascii(1L) and t1binary(1L), decoded into human-readable documented PostScript commands with t1disasm(1L), and reassembled into binary or ASCII formats with t1asm(1L). Details on PostScript font encoding can be found in the Adobe black book, Adobe Type 1 Font Format, Adobe Systems, Inc. (1990).

.+1[FONT MAPPING]     .+2[ENVIRONMENT]         .+3[FILES]