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The user interface

Once the package is properly installed in the local TEX system, to use it, you first need to load it near the start of your document file:

LATEX 2e \usepackage{authidx}
LATEX 2.09 \documentstyle[authidx]{...}
e-plain TEX \input authidx.sty
plain TEX  

After loading the package, you need to request that data for the authoreditor index be written on this run:


This command might be commented out during development to save a bit of time.

Although it is rarely necessary, or desirable, to do so, it is possible to write extra entries to the indexing file without citing them in the running text:


This command is used internally by the modified \cite command to record the citation label in the indexing file.

The \bibliography command has been modified to create \bibdata entries in both the normal auxiliary file, and the authoreditor indexing file.

The index is printed inside a theauthoreditordex environment, which is generated automatically when the user issues the \printauthoreditordex command.

LATEX users will recognize the similarity of these to makeidx.sty, \makedex, \index, thedex, and \printdex.

For additional user control over the author editor index, the user may provide alternate definitions of the following macros, with \renewcommand (in LATEX) or \def (in other TEX formats):

\def \AEnamefontfirst #1{{\sc #1}}%
\def \AEnamefontrest  #1{{\rm #1}}%
\def \AEpagefontfirst #1{{\bf #1}}%
\def \AEpagefontrest  #1{{\rm #1}}%
As shown, each takes a single argument, and allows typesetting the first author or page number differently from the remaining ones.

The reason for offering alternate typesetting of first and remaining authors is the tradition, in many fields, of referring to a multi-author work by the first author alone, or as a colleague once remarked to me:

If you see a reference to a paper by Smith et al. , then you know that Smith got the credit, but Al did the work!

Personally, I deplore this practice, and try very hard to avoid use of et al. , and the corresponding and others in files.

The default definitions of these font macros do not specify a font size , so in LATEX, they will automatically inherit the prevailing font size. This allows you to use LATEX input like this:

to typeset the indexes in smaller type, as is commonly done.

The theauthoreditordex environment is modeled very closely on LATEX's thedex environment. It switches to two-column mode, which starts a new page, then begins an unnumbered section or chapter with the title AuthorEditor Index , sets the even- and odd-page running heads to AUTHOREDITOR INDEX , sets the page style to plain for the first page of the index, and defines \item to be the same as the internal LATEX \@idxitem macro.

While this default behavior will often be adequate, many documents may require something different, such as for the three-column indexing used in our book [8].

Rather than trying to parametrize bits and pieces of this environment with user-customizable macros, it seems to make more sense to simply advise the user to redefine theauthoreditordex completely when needed, with \renewenvironment in LATEX, or \def in other TEX formats.

For example, for a journal article such as this one, starting a new page and changing page headers is unnecessary, so this simple redefinition suffices:

  \section*{Author/editor index}%
  \setlength{\parskip}{0pt plus 0.3pt}%

The corresponding redefinition of thedex differs from this only in the section heading.

In a large bibliography, it may be useful to include authoreditor page references to the bibliography itself:

You can turn off this feature with
The default setting is true .

Finally, the appearance of page-number cross-references in the bibliography can be controlled by redefining this macro:

\def \bibindex #1{\{{\bf #1}\}}
The argument to \bibindex is a comma-separated list of page numbers, in ascending order, with consecutive page numbers collapsed to page ranges.

In summary, here is what a typical input file for LATEX 2e might look like:


The AUTHIDX package must be included after the MAKEIDX package, because the latter fails to check for a prior definition of one macro (\see) that AUTHIDX also must define in case it is used without the other package.

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Nelson H. F. Beebe