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       SUBROUTINE  PVIDS (Z1,ZE,Z2, J1,J2, MX, I1,I2, MY, US,VS,
      X                   L,M, S, PL2)
 C$    (Diagonal Sequence)
 C$    Plot a hidden-line view  of data stored  in an array.   The
 C$    argument are:
 C$    (MX,MY)........Actual declared dimensions of ZE(*,*).
 C$    ZE(MX,MY)......Array of function values.
 C$    (Z1,Z2)........Span of Z values.
 C$    J1,J2..........Range of X (horizontal coordinate).
 C$    I1,I2..........Range of Y (depth coordinate).
 C$    US,VS..........Total shears in U and V directions (maximum
 C$                   = 1.0)
 C$    L..............Direction of view and increment (+:west,
 C$                   -:east)
 C$    M..............Direction of view and increment (+:south,
 C$                   -:north)
 C$    S.............. =1.0, plot positive part; =-1.0, plot
 C$                   negative part
 C$    PL2............2-D pen movement subroutine, usually PL2CA.
 C$    (09-APR-82)