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 C$    (Parse Internal - Validate File Name)
 C$    Validate the LENGTH-character packed file name in STRVAL(*)
 C$    beginning at position LOC.  MODE is 1 (input), 2  (output),
 C$    or 3 (unknown).  The function  value is .TRUE. if the  file
 C$    name is valid,  and .FALSE.  otherwise.   If the file  name
 C$    contains recognition  characters (ESC  or CTL-F),  and  the
 C$    validation is successful,  the expanded  name will  replace
 C$    the one in  STRVAL(*) beginning at  the same position,  and
 C$    LENGTH will be updated accordingly.
 C$    In general, this routine will be system-dependent, and this
 C$    portable version simply returns  .TRUE. with the file  name
 C$    unchanged.
 C$    (26-OCT-82)