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       SUBROUTINE  GRFFI (Y1,Y,Y2, N, PL2)
 C$    (Function Of Integers)
 C$    Plot a  graph  in rectangular  coordinates,  by  connecting
 C$    successive data  points  by  straight  lines.   The  points
 C$    defining the graph  are taken  from an  array of  Y-values.
 C$    The X-values  are integers,  lying between  1 and  N.   The
 C$    respective  scales  are  indicated  by  the  values  to  be
 C$    assigned to  the  margins  of the  graph.
 C$    Ordinarily  the  margins  would  be  given  rounded  values
 C$    slightly larger than the extreme data values.  However, the
 C$    graph may  be centered  in various  ways by  assigning  the
 C$    Y-margins considerably  larger values.   Likewise  excerpts
 C$    from the graph may be chosen by giving the Y-margins lesser
 C$    values than the extremes.
 C$    The X-range cannot be altered, the margins being fixed at 1
 C$    and N.   However,  the subroutine  can  be called  using  a
 C$    subarray of Y(*) as its argument, or Y(*) could be embedded
 C$    in a larger array using an equivalence.  On the other hand,
 C$    GRFRG should probably be used  when it is not  satisfactory
 C$    to graph the array as it stands.  The arguments are:
 C$    Y1..........Y lower limit
 C$    Y(N)........Array of Y values
 C$    Y2..........Y upper limit
 C$    N...........Number of points
 C$    PL2.........Pen movement subroutine, perhaps PL2CA
 C$    (31-JAN-82)