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      X     PL2)
 C$    (Error Bars)
 C$    Draw horizontal and/or vertical error bars at a point.  The
 C$    bar is suppressed if its end coordinates are identical.   A
 C$    vertical error  bar terminates  at short  horizontal  bars.
 C$    Horizontal error  bars are  similarly terminated  by  short
 C$    vertical bars.  The arguments are:
 C$    DXM............Minus  X  error  bar.      If  positive,  it
 C$                   represents an absolute error; if negative, a
 C$                   relative error.
 C$    X..............X coordinate of point.
 C$    DXP............Plus   X   error   bar.   If   positive,  it
 C$                   represents an absolute error; if negative, a
 C$                   relative error.
 C$    DYM............Minus  Y  error  bar.      If  positive,  it
 C$                   represents an absolute error; if negative, a
 C$                   relative error.
 C$    Y..............Y coordinate of point.
 C$    DYP............Plus   Y   error   bar.   If   positive,  it
 C$                   represents an absolute error; if negative, a
 C$                   relative error.
 C$    DELTAX.........Fraction of  window  width to  be  used  for
 C$                   terminating horizontal bars on the  vertical
 C$                   error bar.   Recommended values  are in  the
 C$                   range 0.0..0.01.
 C$    DELTAY.........Fraction of  window  height to  be used  for
 C$                   terminating vertical bars on the  horizontal
 C$                   error bar.   Recommended values  are in  the
 C$                   range 0.0..0.01.
 C$    PL2CA..........2-D pen movement routine, usually PL2CA.
 C$    The coordinates of an  absolute error bar are  X-DXM..X+DXP
 C$    and Y-DYM..Y+DYP.  For a relative error bar, they are  X*(1
 C$    - abs(DXM))..X*(1 + abs(DXP)) and Y*(1 - abs(DYM))..Y*(1  +
 C$    abs(DYP)).  It  is permissible  to  use both  absolute  and
 C$    relative error specifications in a single call.
 C$    (25-MAR-82)