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Locally scoped automatic variables

Symbol Descriptor:

In addition to describing types, the N_LSYM stab type also describes locally scoped automatic variables. Refer again to the body of main in `example2.c'. It allocates two automatic variables: `times' is scoped to the body of main, and `inner' is scoped to the body of the for loop. `s_flap' is locally scoped but not automatic, and will be discussed later.

20 {
21      static float s_flap;
22      int times;
23      for (times=0; times < s_g_repeat; times++){
24        int inner;
25        printf ("Hello world\n");
26      }
27 };

The N_LSYM stab for an automatic variable is located just before the N_LBRAC stab describing the open brace of the block to which it is scoped.

N_LSYM (128): automatic variable, scoped locally to main

.stabs "name:
       N_LSYM, NIL, NIL,

98  .stabs "times:1",128,0,0,-20
99  .stabn 192,0,0,LBB2      ## begin `main' N_LBRAC

N_LSYM (128): automatic variable, scoped locally to the for loop

.stabs "name:
        N_LSYM, NIL, NIL,

100 .stabs "inner:1",128,0,0,-24
101 .stabn 192,0,0,LBB3      ## begin `for' loop N_LBRAC

Since the character in the string field following the colon is not a letter, there is no symbol descriptor. This means that the stab describes a local variable, and that the number after the colon is a type reference. In this case it a a reference to the basic type int. Notice also that the frame pointer offset is negative number for automatic variables.

Global Variables

Symbol Descriptor:

Global variables are represented by the N_GSYM stab type. The symbol descriptor, following the colon in the string field, is `G'. Following the `G' is a type reference or type definition. In this example it is a type reference to the basic C type, char. The first source line in `example2.c',

1  char g_foo = 'c';

yields the following stab. The stab immediately precedes the code that allocates storage for the variable it describes.

N_GSYM (32): global symbol

.stabs "name:
        N_GSYM, NIL, NIL, NIL

21 .stabs "g_foo:G2",32,0,0,0
22      .global _g_foo
23      .data
24 _g_foo:
25      .byte 99

The address of the variable represented by the N_GSYM is not contained in the N_GSYM stab. The debugger gets this information from the external symbol for the global variable.

Global register variables

Symbol Descriptor:

The following source line defines a global variable, g_bar, which is explicitly allocated in global register %g5.

2  register int g_bar asm ("%g5");

Register variables have their own stab type, N_RSYM, and their own symbol descriptor, r. The stab's value field contains the number of the register where the variable data will be stored. Since the variable was not initialized in this compilation unit, the stab is emited at the end of the object file, with the stabs for other uninitialized globals (bcc).

N_RSYM (64): register variable

.stabs "name:
       N_RSYM, NIL, NIL,
133 .stabs "g_bar:r1",64,0,0,5

Initialized static variables

Symbol Descriptors:
S (file scope), V (procedure scope)

Initialized static variables are represented by the N_STSYM stab type. The symbol descriptor part of the string field shows if the variable is file scope static (`S') or procedure scope static (`V'). The source line

3  static int s_g_repeat = 2; 

yields the following code. The stab is located immediately preceding the storage for the variable it represents. Since the variable in this example is file scope static the symbol descriptor is `S'.

N_STSYM (38): initialized static variable (data seg w/internal linkage)

.stabs "name:
26 .stabs "s_g_repeat:S1",38,0,0,_s_g_repeat
27      .align 4
28 _s_g_repeat:
29      .word 2

Un-initialized static variables

Symbol Descriptors:
S (file scope), V (procedure scope)

Un-initialized static variables are represented by the N_LCSYM stab type. The symbol descriptor part of the string shows if the variable is file scope static (`S') or procedure scope static (`V'). In this example it is procedure scope static. The source line allocating s_flap immediately follows the open brace for the procedure main.

20 {
21      static float s_flap;

The code that reserves storage for the variable s_flap precedes the body of body of main.

39      .reserve _s_flap.0,4,"bss",4

But since s_flap is scoped locally to main, its stab is located with the other stabs representing symbols local to main. The stab for s_flap is located just before the N_LBRAC for main.

N_LCSYM (40): uninitialized static var (BSS seg w/internal linkage)

.stabs "name:
        N_LCSYM, NIL, NIL,

97 .stabs "s_flap:V12",40,0,0,_s_flap.0
98 .stabs "times:1",128,0,0,-20
99 .stabn 192,0,0,LBB2                  # N_LBRAC for main.


Symbol Descriptor:

Procedure parameters are represented by the N_PSYM stab type. The following source lines show the parameters of the main routine.

17 main (argc, argv)
18      int argc;
19      char* argv[];
20 {

The N_PSYM stabs describing parameters to a function directly follow the N_FUN stab that represents the procedure itself. The N_FUN stab immediately follows the code of the procedure it describes. Following the N_PSYM parameter stabs are any N_LSYM stabs representing local variables.

<36> N_FUN - describing the procedure main

94 .stabs "main:F1",36,0,0,_main

<160> N_PSYM - parameters
.stabs "name:sym_desc(value_param)type_ref(int)", N_PSYM,
NIL, NIL, frame_ptr_offset

95 .stabs "argc:p1",160,0,0,68
<160> N_PSYM - parameter
.stabs "name:sym_desc(value_param)type_def(20)=ptr_to type_def(21)=
ptr_to type_ref(char)

96 .stabs "argv:p20=*21=*2",160,0,0,72

The type definition of argv is interesting because it defines two new types in terms of an existing one. The array argv contains character pointers. The type of the array name is a pointer to the type the array holds. Thus the type of argv is ptr to ptr to char. The stab for argv contains nested type_definitions. Type 21 is ptr to type 2 (char) and argv (type 20) is ptr to type 21.

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