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The DejaGnu Implementation

DejaGnu is entirely written in expect, which uses Tcl as a command language. expect serves as a very programmable shell; you can run any program, as with the usual Unix command shells--but once the program is started, your expect script has fully programmable control of its input and output. This does not just apply to the programs under test; expect can also run any auxiliary program, such as diff or sh, with full control over its input and output.

DejaGnu itself is merely a framework for the set of test suites distributed separately for each GNU tool. Future releases of GNU tools will include even more tests, developed throughout the free software community.

runtest is the glue to tie together and manage the test scripts. The runtest program is actually a simple Bourne shell script that locates a copy of the expect shell and then starts the main Tcl code, runtest.exp. runtest.exp itself has these essential functions:

  1. Parse the command line options, load the library files, and load the default configuration files.
  2. Locating the individual test scripts. runtest.exp locates the tests by exploiting a straightforward naming convention based on the string you specify with the `--tool' option.
  3. Providing an extended test environment, by defining additional Tcl procedures beyond those already in expect.
  4. Locating target-dependent functions, to standardize the test environment across a wide variety of test platforms.

Conventions for using tool names

DejaGnu uses `$tool', the name of the tool under test, to tie together the testing configuration in a straightforward but flexible way.

`$tool' is not used to invoke the tool, since sites that run multiple configurations of a particular tool often call each configuration by a different name. runtest uses the configuration-dependent variables captured in `site.exp' to determine how to call each tool.

runtest uses tool names to find directories containing tests. runtest scans the source directory (specified with --srcdir) for all directories whose names start with the tool name followed by a period. For instance, directories that start with `g++.' contain G++ tests. To add a new test, just put it in any directory (create an entirely new directory, if you wish) whose name follows this convention.

A test is any file in an appropriately named subdirectory whose name ends in `.exp' (the conventional way of naming expect scripts). These simple naming conventions make it as simple as possible to install new tests: all you must do is put the test in the right directory.

runtest sorts the tests in each subdirectory by name (using the Tcl lsort command) and runs them in the resulting order.

Initialization module

The initialization module (or "init file") has two purposes: to provide tool and target dependent procedures, and to start up an interactive tool to the point where it is ready to operate. The latter includes establishing communications with the target. All the tests for interactive programs assume that the tool is already running and communicating. Initialization modules for non-interactive programs may only need to supply the support functions.

Each test suite directory must contain (in its `config' subdirectory) a separate initialization module for each target. The appropriate init file is identified by name: it must be named `$target_abbrev.exp', where target_abbrev is the Tcl variable recording the abbreviated configuration name for the target operating system.

If the test suite contains tests for more than one tool, it can either use a single init file for all the tools, or segregate the init files by tool using a more elaborate naming convention: `$target_abbrev-$tool.exp', where tool is the Tcl variable identifying tests for a particular tool. It is better to avoid this convention if possible, since it may lead to unacceptable constraints on tool names due to systems with low limits on file-name length. It is more portable to segregate tests for different tools into different test-suite directories, instead.

At the beginning of the init file, you must first determine the proper executable name of the tool to execute, since the actual name of the tool to be tested my vary from system to system. Here's an example for the GNU C compiler.

global CC
if ![info exists CC] then {
    set CC [transform gcc]

global CFLAGS
if ![info exists CFLAGS] then {
    set CFLAGS ""

It is always a good idea to first check the variable, and only set it if it has not yet been defined. Often the proper value of CC is set on the command line that invokes `runtest'.

The transform procedure takes as its argument the native name of a tool (such as `gcc' for the compiler), and returns the name as configured for that tool in the current installation. (For example, a cross-compiling version of GNU CC that generates MIPS code may be installed with a name like mips-idt-ecoff-gcc.)

In a test running native, writing the Tcl code for initialization is usually quite simple. For cross configurations, however, more elaborate instructions are usually needed to describe how to talk to a remote target.

Each initialization module defines up to four procedures with standard names and purposes. The names of these procedures begin with `$tool', the string that identifies tests for a particular tool: $tool_start, $tool_load, $tool_exit, and $tool_version. For example, the start procedure for GDB is called gdb_start. (Since start procedures are used differently for batch and interactive tools, however, runtest itself never calls the start procedure. Init files for interactive tools are expected to end by running the start procedure.)

The initialization module is also a good place to call load_lib to get any collections of utility procedures meant for a family of test cases, and to set up default values for any additional Tcl variables needed for a specific set of tests.

See section Target dependent procedures, for full descriptions of these procedures.

DejaGnu procedures

DejaGnu provides these Tcl procedures for use in test scripts. You can also use any standard expect or Tcl function.

See section A POSIX conforming test framework, for more detailed explanations of the test outcomes (`FAIL', `PASS', `UNTESTED', `UNRESOLVED', `UNSUPPORTED').

perror "string"
Declares a severe error in the testing framework itself. perror writes in the log files a message beginning with `ERROR', appending the argument string. As a side effect, perror also changes the effect of the next pass or fail command: the test outcome becomes `UNRESOLVED', since an automatic `PASS' or `FAIL' cannot be trusted after a severe error in the test framework.
warning "string"
Declares detection of a minor error in the test case itself. warning writes in the log files a message beginning with `WARNING', appending the argument string. Use warning rather than error for cases (such as communication failure to be followed by a retry) where the test case can recover from the error. As a side effect, three or more calls to warning in a single test case also change the effect of the next pass or fail command: the test outcome becomes `UNRESOLVED', since an automatic `PASS' or `FAIL' may not be trustworthy after many warnings.
pass "string"
Declares a test to have passed. pass writes in the log files a message beginning with `PASS' (or XPASS, if failure was expected), appending the argument string.
fail "string"
Declares a test to have failed. fail writes in the log files a message beginning with `FAIL' (or XFAIL, if failure was expected), appending the argument string.
unresolved "string"
Declares a test to have an unresolved outcome. unresolved writes in the log file a message beginning with `UNRESOLVED', appending the argument string. This usually means the test did not execute as expected, and a human being must go over results to determine if it passed or failed (and to improve the test case).
untested "string"
Declares a test was not run. untested writes in the log file a message beginning with `UNTESTED', appending the argument string. For example, you might use this in a dummy test whose only role is to record that a test does not yet exist for some feature.
unsupported "string"
Declares that a test case depends on some facility that does not exist in the testing environment. unsupported writes in the log file a message beginning with `UNSUPPORTED', appending the argument string.
transform "toolname"
Generates a string for the name of a tool as it was configured and installed, given its native name (as the argument toolname). This makes the assumption that all tools are installed using the same naming conventions: it extrapolates from the invocation name for `runtest'. For example, if you call runtest as `m68k-vxworks-runtest', the result of ` transform "gcc" ' is `m68k-vxworks-gcc'.
ishost "host"
Tests for a particular host environment. If the currently configured host matches the argument string, the result is 1; otherwise the result is 0. host must be a full three-part configure host name; in particular, you may not use the shorter nicknames supported by configure (but you can use wildcard characters, using shell syntax, to specify sets of names).
istarget "target"
Tests for a particular target environment. If the currently configured target matches the argument string, the result is 1; otherwise the result is 0. target must be a full three-part configure target name; in particular, you may not use the shorter nicknames supported by configure (but you can use wildcard characters, using shell syntax, to specify sets of names).
Tests whether the current configuration has the same host and target. When it runs in a native configuration this procedure returns a 1; otherwise it returns a 0.
load_lib "library-file"
Loads the file library-file by searching a fixed path built into runtest. If DejaGnu has been installed, it looks in a path starting with the installed library directory. If you are running DejaGnu directly from a source directory, without first running `make install', this path defaults to the current directory. In either case, it then looks in the current directory for a directory called lib. If there are duplicate definitions, the last one loaded takes precedence over the earlier ones.
setup_xfail "config [bugid]"
Declares that the test is expected to fail on a particular set of configurations. The config argument must be a list of full three-part configure target name; in particular, you may not use the shorter nicknames supported by configure (but you can use the common shell wildcard characters to specify sets of names). The bugid argument is optional, and used only in the logging file output; use it as a link to a bug-tracking system such as GNATS (see section `Overview' in Tracking Bugs With GNATS). Once you use setup_xfail, the fail and pass procedures produce the messages `XFAIL' and `XPASS' respectively, allowing you to distinguish expected failures (and unexpected success!) from other test outcomes. Warning: you must clear the expected failure after using setup_xfail in a test case. Any call to pass or fail clears the expected failure implicitly; if the test has some other outcome, e.g. an error, you can call clear_xfail to clear the expected failure explicitly. Otherwise, the expected-failure declaration applies to whatever test runs next, leading to surprising results.
clear_xfail config
Cancel an expected failure (previously declared with setup_xfail) for a particular set of configurations. The config argument is a list of configuration target names. It is only necessary to call clear_xfail if a test case ends without calling either pass or fail, after calling setup_xfail.
verbose "string" number
Test cases can use this function to issue helpful messages depending on the number of `--verbose' options on the runtest command line. It prints string if the value of the variable verbose is higher than or equal to the optional number. The default value for number is 1.

Library procedures

Certain other general-purpose procedures are kept as utility collections in the `lib' subdirectory. These files are not used by all tests, but are used (via the Tcl command source) often enough to warrant a common definition.

`lib/remote.exp' defines these functions, for establishing and managing communications:

Procedures to establish a connection: Each of these procedures tries to establish the connection up to three times before returning. Warnings (if retries will continue) or errors (if the attempt is abandoned) report on communication failures. The result for any of these procedures is either -1, when the connection cannot be established, or the spawn ID returned by the expect command spawn.

telnet hostname
rlogin hostname
rsh hostname
IP network procedures. hostname refers to the IP address or name (for example, an entry in `/etc/hosts') for this target. The procedure names reflect the Unix utility used to establish a connection.
tip port
Serial line procedure. Connect using the Unix utility tip. port must be a name from the tip configuration file `/etc/remote'. Often, this is called `hardwire', or something like `ttya'. This file holds all the configuration data for the serial port.
kermit port bps
Serial line procedure. Connect using the program kermit. port is the device name, e.g. `/dev/ttyb'. bps is the line speed to use (in bits per second) for the connection.

Procedures to manage a connection:

tip_download spawnid file
Download `file' to the process spawnid (the value returned when the connection was established), using the ~put command under tip. Most often used for single board computers that require downloading programs in ASCII S-records. Returns 1 if an error occurs, 0 otherwise.
exit_remote_shell spawnid
Exits a remote process started by any of the connection procedures. spawnid is the result of the connection procedure that started the remote process.
download file [ spawnid ]
After you establish a connection to a target, you can download programs using this command. download reads in file (object code in S-record format) and writes it to the device controlling this spawnid. (From the point of view of the target, the S-record file comes in via standard input.) If you have more than one target active, you can use the optional argument spawnid to specify an alternative target (the default is the most recently established spawnid.)

`lib/utils.exp' defines these utility procedures:

getdirs dir
getdirs dir pattern
Returns a list of all the directories in the single directory dir that match pattern. If you do not specify pattern, getdirs assumes `*'. You may use the common shell wildcard characters in pattern.
find dir pattern
Search for files whose names match pattern (using shell wildcard characters for filename expansion). Search subdirectories recursively, starting at dir. The result is the list of files whose names match; if no files match, the result is empty. Filenames in the result include all intervening subdirectory names.
which binary
Searches the execution path for an executable file binary, like the the BSD which utility. This procedure uses the shell environment variable `PATH'. It returns 0 if the binary is not in the path, or if there is no `PATH' environment variable. If binary is in the path, it returns the full path to binary.
grep filename regexp
grep filename regexp line
Search the file called filename (a fully specified path) for lines that contain a match for regular expression regexp. The result is a list of all the lines that match. If no lines match, the result is an empty string. Specify regexp using the standard regular expression style used by the Unix utility program grep. Use the optional third argument `line' to start lines in the result with the line number in filename. (This argument is simply an option flag; type it just as shown---`line'.)
prune list pattern
Remove elements of the Tcl list list. Elements are fields delimited by spaces. The result is a copy of list, without any elements that match pattern. You can use the common shell wildcard characters to specify pattern.

Most tools also have a library file associated with the tool, containing procedures found useful by test developers. These are especially helpful when the tests span several subdirectories.

Target dependent procedures

Each combination of target and tool requires some target-dependent procedures. The names of these procedures have a common form: the tool name, followed by an underbar `_', and finally a suffix describing the procedure's purpose. For example, a procedure to extract the version from GDB is called `gdb_version'. See section Initialization module, for a discussion of how DejaGnu arranges to find the right procedures for each target.

runtest itself calls only two of these procedures, tool_exit and tool_version; these procedures use no arguments.

The other two procedures, tool_start and tool_load, are only called by the test suites themselves (or by testsuite-specific initialization code); they may take arguments or not, depending on the conventions used within each test suite.

Starts a particular tool. For an interactive tool, tool_start starts and initializes the tool, leaving the tool up and running for the test cases; an example is gdb_start, the start function for GDB. For a batch oriented tool, tool_start is optional; the recommended convention is to let tool_start run the tool, leaving the output in a variable called comp_output. Test scripts can then analyze `$comp_output' to determine the test results. An example of this second kind of start function is gcc_start, the start function for GCC. runtest itself does not call tool_start. The initialization module `tool_init.exp' must call tool_start for interactive tools; for batch-oriented tools, each individual test script calls tool_start (or makes other arrangements to run the tool).
Loads something into a tool. For an interactive tool, this conditions the tool for a particular test case; for example, gdb_load loads a new executable file into the debugger. For batch oriented tools, tool_load may do nothing--though, for example, the GCC support uses gcc_load to load and run a binary on the target environment. Conventionally, tool_load leaves the output of any program it runs in a variable called `exec_output'. Writing tool_load can be the most complex part of extending DejaGnu to a new tool or a new target, if it requires much communication coding or file downloading. Test scripts call tool_load.
Cleans up (if necessary) before runtest exits. For interactive tools, this usually ends the interactive session. You can also use tool_exit to remove any temporary files left over from the tests. runtest calls tool_exit.
Prints the version label and number for tool. This is called by the DejaGnu procedure that prints the final summary report. The output should consist of the full path name used for the tested tool, and its version number. runtest calls tool_version.

The usual convention for return codes from any of these procedures (although it is not required by runtest) is to return 0 if the procedure succeeded, 1 if it failed, and -1 if there was a communication error.

Remote targets supported

The DejaGnu distribution includes support for the following remote targets. You can set the target name and the connect mode in the `site.exp' file (using the Tcl variables `targetname' and `connectmode', respectively), or on the runtest command line (using `--name' and `--connect').

AMD 29000, with UDI protocol
Configure DejaGnu for target `a29k-amd-udi'. (Cygnus configure also recognizes the abbreviation `udi29k'.) Then, to run tests, use the runtest target name to specify whether you want to use a simulator, or a particular hardware board. The particular string to use with `--name' will depend on your UDI setup file, `udi_soc' (if `udi_soc' is not in your working directory, the environment variable `UDICONF' should contain a path to this file). For example, if your UDI setup file includes these lines:
iss   AF_UNIX  *   isstip -r /home/gnu/29k/src/osboot/sim/osboot
mon   AF_UNIX  *   montip -t serial -baud 9600 -com /dev/ttyb
You can use `--name iss' to run tests on the simulator, and `--name mon' to run tests on the 29K hardware. See the manufacturer's manuals for more information on UDI and `udi_soc'. The default connect protocol is `mondfe' with either back end. mondfe is the only shell DejaGnu supports for UDI targets. mondfe is an AMD specific monitor program freely available from AMD. Warning: This target requires GDB version 4.7.2 (or greater). Earlier versions of GDB do not fully support the load command on this target, so DejaGnu has no way to load executable files from the debugger.
Motorola 680x0 boards, a.out or COFF object format
Configure DejaGnu for any remote target matching `m68k-*'. Warning: Most `m68k-*' configurations run all tests only for native testing (when the target is the same as the host). When you specify most of these targets for a cross configuration, you will only be able to use tests that run completely within the host (for example, tests of the binary utilities such as the archiver; or compiler tests that only generate code rather than running it). To run a.out or COFF binaries on a remote M68K, you must configure DejaGnu for a particular target board. `m68k-abug' is an example. (In general for an embedded environment, because it does not have absolute addresses, a.out is not a good choice for output format in any case; most often S-records or Hex-32 are used instead.)
Motorola 68K MVME 135 board running ABug boot monitor
Configure for `m68k-abug-aout' or `m68k-abug-coff' (as a target). This boot monitor can only download S-records; therefore, the DejaGnu tests for this environment require a linker command script to convert either output format to S-records, setting the default addresses for .text, .bss, and .data. With this configuration, the default for `--connect' is `tip'. `tip' is the only communications protocol supported for connecting to `m68k-abug-*' targets. `tip' uses an ASCII downloader (the ~put command) to load S-records into the target board. The `--name' string must be a machine name that tip understands (for example, on some tip implementations it must be an entry from the initialization file for tip; this file is sometimes called `/etc/remote'). See your system documentation for information on how to create new entries in `/etc/remote'. (Some UNIX systems are distributed with at least one default entry with a name resembling `hardwire'; if your system has one, you can edit it, or make a modified copy with a new name.) When you have a working `/etc/remote' entry abugtarget, you should be able to type `tip abugtarget', and get the prompt `135ABUG>' from the board. Use the same abugtarget string with `runtest --name'.
Motorola IDP board running the rom68k boot monitor
This is the same in functionality as the MVME board running the BUG boot monitor. Only the monitor commands and the addresses are different.
VxWorks (Motorola 68K or Intel 960)
Configure DejaGnu for either `m68k-wrs-vxworks' (abbreviated `vxworks68') or `i960-wrs-vxworks' (abbreviated `vxworks960'). Since both targets support IP addressing, specify the network address (for example, a host name from `/etc/hosts') with `--name'. The default connect protocol is `rlogin', but you can use any of `--connect rlogin', `--connect telnet', or `--connect rsh'. Test scripts need no special code to load programs into these targets; since VxWorks supports NFS, all you must do is ensure test programs are on an exported filesystem. When you compile for VxWorks, use the linker `-r' option to make the linker output relocatable--at least if you want to use library routines. Many standard C routines are included in VxWorks; often no additional libraries are needed. See your VxWorks system documentation for additional details.

The files DejaGnu reads

The runtest program used to invoke DejaGnu is a short shell script generated by make during the configuration process. Its main task is to read the main test framework driver, `runtest.exp'.

`runtest.exp', in turn, reads expect code from certain other files, in this order:

  1. Each of the `site.exp' local definition files available. See section Setting runtest defaults, for details.
  2. `lib/utils.exp', a collection of utility procedures. See section Library procedures, for descriptions of these procedures.
  3. `framework.exp', a file of subroutines meant for runtest itself rather than for general-purpose use in both runtest and test suites.
  4. `debugger.exp', Don Libes' Tcl Debugger. (See A Debugger for Tcl Applications by Don Libes. This paper is distributed with expect in PostScript form as the file `expect/tcl-debug.ps'.)
  5. An initialization file tool_init.exp. See section Initialization module, for more discussion of init files.

The files DejaGnu writes

runtest always writes two kinds of output files: summary logs and detailed logs. The contents of both of these are determined by your tests.

For troubleshooting, a third kind of output file is useful: use `--debug' to request an output file showing details of what expect is doing internally.

Summary log

runtest always produces a summary output file `tool.sum'. This summary shows the names of all test files run; for each test file, one line of output from each pass command (showing status `PASS' or `XPASS') or fail command (status `FAIL' or `XFAIL'); trailing summary statistics that count passing and failing tests (expected and unexpected); and the full pathname and version number of the tool tested. (All possible outcomes, and all errors, are always reflected in the summary output file, regardless of whether or not you specify `--all'.)

If any of your tests use the procedures unresolved, unsupported, or untested, the summary output also tabulates the corresponding outcomes.

For example, after `runtest --tool binutils', look for a summary log in `binutils.sum'. Normally, runtest writes this file in your current working directory; use the `--output' option to select a different directory.

Here is a short sample summary log:

Test Run By rob on Mon May 25 21:40:57 PDT 1992
                === gdb tests ===
Running ./gdb.t00/echo.exp ...
PASS:   Echo test
Running ./gdb.all/help.exp ...
PASS:   help add-symbol-file
PASS:   help aliases
PASS:   help breakpoint "bre" abbreviation
FAIL:   help run "r" abbreviation
Running ./gdb.t10/crossload.exp ...
PASS:   m68k-elf (elf-big) explicit format; loaded
XFAIL:  mips-ecoff (ecoff-bigmips) "ptype v_signed_char" signed
C types 
                === gdb Summary ===
# of expected passes 5
# of expected failures 1
# of unexpected failures 1
/usr/latest/bin/gdb version 4.6.5 -q

Detailed log

runtest also saves a detailed log file `tool.log', showing any output generated by tests as well as the summary output. For example, after `runtest --tool binutils', look for a detailed log in `binutils.log'. Normally, runtest writes this file in your current working directory; use the `--output' option to select a different directory.

Here is a brief example showing a detailed log for G++ tests:

Test Run By rob on Mon May 25 21:40:43 PDT 1992

                === g++ tests ===

--- Running ./g++.other/t01-1.exp ---
        PASS:   operate delete

--- Running ./g++.other/t01-2.exp ---
        FAIL:   i960 bug EOF
p0000646.C: In function `int  warn_return_1 ()':
p0000646.C:109: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
p0000646.C: In function `int  warn_return_arg (int)':
p0000646.C:117: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
p0000646.C: In function `int  warn_return_sum (int, int)':
p0000646.C:125: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
p0000646.C: In function `struct foo warn_return_foo ()':
p0000646.C:132: warning: control reaches end of non-void function

--- Running ./g++.other/t01-4.exp ---
        FAIL:   abort
900403_04.C:8: zero width for bit-field `foo'
--- Running ./g++.other/t01-3.exp ---
        FAIL:   segment violation
900519_12.C:9: parse error before `;'
900519_12.C:12: Segmentation violation
/usr/latest/bin/gcc: Internal compiler error: program cc1plus got
fatal signal

                === g++ Summary ===

# of expected passes 1
# of expected failures 3
/usr/ps/bin/g++ version cygnus-2.0.1

Logging expect internal actions

With the `--debug' option, you can request a log file showing the output from expect itself, running in debugging mode. This file (`dbg.log', in the directory where you start runtest) shows each pattern expect considers in analyzing test output.

This file reflects each send command, showing the string sent as input to the tool under test; and each expect command, showing each pattern it compares with the tool output.

The log messages for expect begin with a message of the form

expect: does {tool output} (spawn_id n) match pattern
{expected pattern}?

For every unsuccessful match, expect issues a `no' after this message; if other patterns are specified for the same expect command, they are reflected also, but without the first part of the message (`expect...match pattern').

When expect finds a match, the log for the successful match ends with `yes', followed by a record of the expect variables set to describe a successful match. Here is an excerpt from the debugging log for a GDB test:

send: sent {break gdbme.c:34\n} to spawn id 6
expect: does {} (spawn_id 6) match pattern {Breakpoint.*at.* file
 gdbme.c, line 34.*\(gdb\) $}? no
{.*\(gdb\) $}? no
expect: does {} (spawn_id 0) match pattern {<return>}? no
{\(y or n\) }? no
{buffer_full}? no
{virtual}? no
{memory}? no
{exhausted}? no
{Undefined}? no
{command}? no
break gdbme.c:34
Breakpoint 8 at 0x23d8: file gdbme.c, line 34.
(gdb) expect: does {break gdbme.c:34\r\nBreakpoint 8 at 0x23d8: 
file gdbme.c, line 34.\r\n(gdb) } (spawn_id 6) match pattern
{Breakpoint.*at.* file gdbme.c, line 34.*\(gdb\) $}? yes
expect: set expect_out(0,start) {18}
expect: set expect_out(0,end) {71}
expect: set expect_out(0,string) {Breakpoint 8 at 0x23d8: file
gdbme.c, line 34.\r\n(gdb) }
expect: set expect_out(spawn_id) {6}
expect: set expect_out(buffer) {break gdbme.c:34\r\nBreakpoint 8
at 0x23d8: file gdbme.c, line 34.\r\n(gdb) }
        PASS:   70      0       breakpoint line number in file

This example exhibits three properties of expect and DejaGnu that might be surprising at first glance:

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