Topics in Gromov--Witten Theory
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Instructor Information.
Instructor. Y.-P. Lee
Office. JWB 305.
Office Hours. Anytime my office door is open.
Class Information
Time. Tue Thu 10:45-12:05, and Wed 14-14:50.
Location. LCB 218
Text. No textbooks. I might supply some handouts.
I may assign some homework and talk about them in the "discussion session".
No official turning-in.
Exams. No exam.
Grading Policy. In accordance with the departmental tradition, A is
given to all registered students.
Official Catalog Info.
Semester: Spring 2006,
Class Number: 13978,
Subject: MATH,
Catalog Number: 7800,
Section: 001,
Units: 3,
Title: Topics in Algebraic Geometry.
Course Description.
The main theme of this class is "Gromov--Witten Theory".
My plan is to begin at the introductory level,
assuming only basic knowledge of algebraic geometry,
and spend a few weeks building necessary machinery for the subject.
The goal is to go through some selected research areas in the field.
Possible topics include:
- Moduli of curves and maps.
- Mumford's calculation.
- Equivariant cohomology/intersection theory. (Virtual) localization.
- Relative Gromov--Witten theory.
- Orbifold Gromov--Witten theory.
- Givental's axiomatic approach.
If you are interested in getting some ideas of the subject in advance,
you can try the following expository papers and lecture notes:
Koch and Vainsencher,
Fulton and Pandharipande,
and Bertram(!).
Announcements: (in reverse chronological order)
- (21 Nov 2005)
New time. After some consultation, I have temporarily put the class
time at Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:45-12:05, with additional
discussion session probably at Wednesdays 14-14:50. If you are
interested in coming to the class, but are not able to make it at this
time, please let me know by this Thursday (24 Nov).
- (18 Nov 2005)
Erin pointed out that the proposed time TuTh 12:25-14 has already been
taken by Oana. I am therefore proposing a few new times.
If you are planning to take this class, please let me know if any of
the following time slots work for you. (You may also tell me your preference,
if any.)
- MWF 14-14:50
- MWF 10:45-11:35
- TuTh 10:45-12:05
- TuTh 14-15:15:20
- (18 Nov 2005)
Time: I plan to put the lectures on Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:25-14:00,
and perhaps one hour of discussion session on Wednesdays.
If you are planning to attend but the time does not work for you,
please let me know ASAP! (I will have to tell Nat the class time soon.)
If possible, please also include your schedule (and preferred time slots).
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