Vivian He
Title: Random walks on groups and superlinear
divergent quasi-geodesics
Abstract: When studying random walks on a group, a
natural question is how far is the n-th step from the
origin. The central limit theorem says that,
asymptotically, it follows a normal distribution. We
proved this for groups containing superlinar divergent
quasi-geodesics. The advantage of this setting compared
to previous versions of CLT is that it is invariant
under quasi-isometry.
In this talk, I will delve into the superlinear divergence
property, as well as its geometric consequences that led
to the theory of random walks on groups containing
superlinear divergent quasi-geodesics. This is based on
joint work with Kunal Chawla, Inhyeok Choi, and Kasra
Wiktor Mogilski
Title: A discrete four vertex theorem for
hyperbolic polygons
Abstract: There are many four vertex type
theorems appearing in the literature, coming in both
smooth and discrete flavors. The most familiar of these
is the classical theorem in differential geometry, which
states that the curvature function of a simple smooth
closed curve in the plane has at least four extreme
values. This theorem admits a natural discretization to
Euclidean polygons due to O. Musin. In this talk we
adapt the techniques of Musin and provea discrete four
vertex theorem for convex hyperbolic polygons.