Math 6170 List of homework problems. Fall 2005 Treibergs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 1. Target Date: Sept. 12 This is problem 3, p. 9 of Sakai. Let X, Y be smooth vector fields on the smooth manifold M. Let h be a smooth functon. 0.) Show that Xh = L_X h = dh(X) (Lie derivative). 1.) Show that [X,Y] = L_X Y [ = d/dt|_{t=0} df_{-t}(Y(f_t(p))) ]. where f_t is the (local) flow generated by X . 2.) Let g_s be the (local) flow generated by Y. Show that [X,Y] vanishes identically iff f_t o g_s = g_s o f_t. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 2. Target Date: Sept. 14 Prove Cartan's Lemma: suppose {w_1,w_2,...,w_k} is a set of smooth one- forms of M^n which are independent at all points of M. Suppose that the one-forms {a_1,a_2,...,a_k} have the property that k \sum a_i ^ w_i = 0, i=1 where "^" is wedge product. Show that there are smooth functions h_{ij} such that h_{ij} = h_{ji} and that for all i, k a_i = \sum h_{ij} w_j. j=1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 3. Target Date: Sept. 19 Prove that the following models of the hyperbolic plane are isometric by constructing maps that exhibit the isometry. (The maps may be realized geometrically!) A. Hyperboloid model. (X,g) X = { (x,y,z) \in R^3 : x^2 + y^2 - z^2 = -1, z > 0 } g = restriction of Minkowski metric ds^2 = dx^2 + dy^2 - dz^2 to X (The geodesics turn out to be the intersections of X with planes through the origin.) B. Upper halfplane model. (X,g) X = { (x,y) \in R^2 : y > 0 } g = y^(-2} ( dx^2 + dy^2 ) (The geodesics turn out to be vertical lines and Euclidean semicircles centered on the x-axis.) C. Poincare model. (X,g) X = { (x,y) \in R^2 : x^2 + y^2 < 1 } g = 4 (1 - x^2 - y_2 )^(-2) ( dx^2 + dy^2 ) (The geodesics turn out to be lines through the origin and segments of Euclidean circles that meet x^2 + y^2 = 1 perpendicularly.) D. Klein model. (X,g) X = { (x,y) \in R^2 : x^2 + y^2 < 1 } g = (1 - x^2 - y_2)^(-2) [ (1-y^2) dx^2 + 2xy dxdy + (1-x^2) dy^2 ] (The geodesics turn out to be Euclidean line segments that meet X.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 4. Target Date: Sept. 21 Find the autoparallel curves in the Riemannian manifold ( R^2, ds^2 = ( 1 + y^2 )^2 dx^2 + dy^2 ). You may wish to do instead ( R^2, ds^2 = exp(2y) dx^2 + dy^2 ). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 5. Target Date: Sept. 26 The Riemann curvature tensor in a local orthonormal coframe {w^i} is given by \Omega_i^j = -1/2 \sum R_i^j_p_q w^p ^ w^q . If the manifold is n-dimensional, let N(n) be the number (dimension) of independent components of the curvature tensor R_i^j_p_q(x) that can occur. Find N(n). (e.g., N(2)=1, N(3)=6, N(4)=20,.... ) [Christoffel, 1869.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 6. Target Date: Sept. 28 Let f:[0,1]x[0,a] -> M be a smooth map to a Riemannian manifold. Suppose that for all fixed t_0 \in [0,a], the curve s -> f(s,t_0), s in [0,1] is a geodesic parameterized by arclength, which is orthogonal to the curve t -> f(0,t) at the point f(0,t_0). Prove that for all (s_0,t_0) in [0,1]x[0,a], the curves s -> f(s,t_0), and t -> f(s_0,t) are orthogonal. [do Carmo, p. 84] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 7. Target Date: Oct. 3 (Text problem 78[II.5.i,iii].) Let (r,§) be ordinary polar coordinates in R^2. Suppose the metric g satisfies g( d/dr, d/dr ) = 1, g( d/dr, d/d§ ) = 0, g( d/d§, d/d§ ) = f(r)^2, where f \in C^2, f(r,§)>0 for r>0, f(0,§)=0, d/dr f(0,§)=1. A. Show that the radial curves t -> (t,§) are minimizing. C. Find the Gauss Curvature K. D. Let c \in R be constant. Find such f so that K = c for all (r,§). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 8. Target Date: Oct. 5 Suppose that (M^n,g) is a Riemanninan manifold whose Riemannian curvature, Ricci curature and scalar curvature are R_i^j_k_l, R_ij and R, resp. Let h = exp(2u) g be a conformal metric, where u is a smooth function on M. Compute the Riemannian curvature, Ricci curature and scalar curvature of h in terms of the curvatures of g, R_i^j_k_l, R_ij, R, and the function u and its first and second derivatives. (The n=2 case is considerably easier!) [Problem from the text, p. 50.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 9. Target Date: Oct. 10 Suppose that (M^n,g) is an oriented Riemanninan manifold. Define an n-form, the signed volume form (up to sign) by vol(V_1,V_2,...,V_n) = \sqrt( \det( g(V_i,V_j) ) ) A. Suppose {w^i} is a local orthonormal frame. Show that, up to sign vol = w^1 ^ w^2 ^ ... ^ w^n B. For a vector field X on M, and any k-form §, define the interior product i(X)§ as the k-1 form given by (i(X)§)(V_2,...V_k) = §(X,V_2,...V_k). For a vector field X = \xi^i e_i, define the divergence, the function div(X) by div(X) = \sum \xi^i_,i where D_{e_k} X = \xi^j_,k e_j. Show that d( i(X) vol ) = (dix X) vol. C. For a function f, show that the Laplacian, \Delta f = div( grad f ). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 10. Target Date: Oct. 12 Suppose that (M^n,g) and (N^n,h) are two Riemannian manifolds whose curvatures are R and R' resp. If f:M -> N is a diffeomeorphism such that f preserves the curvature, i.e., for all p in M and vectors X, Y, Z, W at p, g< R(X,Y)Z, W >_p = h< R'(df(X),df(Y))df(Z), df(W) >_f(p), does it follow that f is an isometry? What if R \ne 0? Hint: See do Carmo, Riemannian Geometry, p. 59, where he gives the following picture. ________________ f ______________________________ (________________) ----> (______________________________) See also do Carmo, Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, p237 where he offers the surfaces in three space X(u,v) = (u cos v, u sin v, log u), Y(u,v) = (u cos v, u sin v, v). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 11. Target Date: Oct. 17 Let (M,g) be a complete, noncompact, connected Riemannian manifold and let p be a point of M. Show that there is a geodesic ray emanating from p. That is, there is a unit speed curve c:[0,\infty) -> M such that c(0)=p and for all t>0, dist(p, c(t)) = t. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 12. Target Date: Oct. 19 Let f:M --> (N,h) be a smooth map between Riemannian manifolds. a.) If f is a covering map, then there is a metric g for M so that f is a local isometry. In this case, (M,g) is complete if and only if (N,h) is complete. b.) But if f is just a local diffeomorphism, then there still is a metric g so that f is a local isometry but this time it may be that (N,h) is complete and (M,g) is incomplete. [do Carmo p. 152.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 13. Target Date: Oct. 24 If (M,g) is a complete Riemannian manifold with nonpositive sectional curvaure, then every homotopy class of paths with fixed endpoints p and q contains a unique geodesic. [Gallot, Hulin, Lafontaine, Riemannian Geometry, 2nd ed. p.138] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 14. Target Date: Oct. 26 If M is a Riemannian manifold possessing an isometry f:M->M, then any connected component of the set of all fixed points of f is totally geodesic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 15. Target Date: Oct. 31 Let M be a complete Riemannian manifold and N be a closed (not necessarily compact) submanifold of M. Let p be any point of M not in N. Show that there is a point q in N so that the distance d(p,N)=d(p,q). Show that if c is a minimizing geodesic from p to q then c is orthogonal to N at q. [do Carmo p. 207] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 16. Target Date: Nov. 2 Let D be a domain with smooth boundary in a Riemannian manifold and N the outward normal vector field to the boundary S of D. For a smooth function u on S with compct support, set a(t,p) = exp_p (tu(p)N(p)) and S_t = { a(t,p) : p in S}. Then S_t is a variation of S. Let D_t be the domains bounded by S_t so that D_0=D. Prove that d | / -- | vol(D_t) = | u dA dt |t=0 /S d | / -- | vol_{n-1}(S_t) = | (n-1)Hu dA dt |t=0 /S where H is the mean curvature of S. [Sakai, p. 130] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 15. Target Date: Nov. 7 Let M^n be an orientable Riemannian manifold of even dimension n and positive sectional curvature. Suppose c is a closed geodesic. Then c is homotopic to a closed curve whose length is strictly less than the length of c. [do Carmo p. 208] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 16. Target Date: Nov. 9 Let M^n be a Riemannian manifold of positive sectional curvature. Suppose P and Q are two totally geodesic submanifolds. Show that P and Q intersect if dim(P) + dim(Q) \ge n-1 [This is a theorem of T. Frankel. See Petersen, Riemannian geometry, p. 162] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 17. Target Date: Nov. 14 Let M be a compact Riemannian manifold without boundary. Then every nontrivial free homotopy class of loops contains a minimal length member which is a smooth closed geodesic. Hint. Let s be a loop (continuous map s:S^1 -> M) in the nontrivial free homotopy class A. Approximate s uniformly by a broken geodesic loop c_1 in A. Assume that the breaks are closer together than the injectivity radius of M. Then construct a sequence of broken geodesics inductively by letting c_i be the broken geodesic loop which has as its segments minimizing segments between the midpoints of the segments of c_{i-1}. Then c_i is in A and c_i tends to a smooth closed geodesic of A. [Bishop & Crittenden, Geometry of Manifolds, p. 243.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 18. Target Date: Nov.16 A "line" in a complete Riemannian manifold is a geodesic c: (-\infty, \infty) --> M which minimizes length between any two of its points. Show that if the sectional curvature is strictly positive then M does not have any lines. Give an example to show that this is false if K \ge 0. [do Carmo, p. 252.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 19. Target Date: Nov.21 [Sakai, p. 107, Ex. 4.] Suppose M is a compact Riemannian manifold with dimension at least two. Show that M is simply connected if and only if its cut locus C_p is simply connected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 20. Target Date: Nov.28 Let M be a complete manifold of nonpositive sectional curvature and Y(t) a Jacobi field along a unit speed geodesic c:[0,a] --> M such that Y(0) = 0. Show that for all t>0, t |Y'(0)| \le |Y(t)|. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 21. Target Date: Nov.30 Let K be a nonempty open set in E^3 such that the boundary is a smooth surface. For r \ge 0, let the parallel body be given by K_r = { x in E^3 : d(x,K) \le r }. Let S_r denote its boundary surface. Find the second fundamental form of S_r. Find Area(S_r) and Vol(K_r), all in terms of K and r. What are the formulas if K is a subset of a space form of constant sectional curvature? (These are called Steiner's formulas. For a convex domain D in E^2, for example, the length of the boundary of D_r is L+2\pi r where L is the length of the boundary of D, and Area(D_r) = Area(D) + rL + \pi r^2.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 22 . Target Date: Dec.5 Let M be a compact, n-dimensional manifold whose Ricci curvature is bounded below by (n-1)k. A subset P in M is said to be q-separated if any two distinct points in P have a distance at least q. If P is a maximal q-separated set, show that vol(M) card P \ge ------------ vol_k(B_q) . Here, vol(M) is the volume of M and vol_k(B_q) is the volume of a q-ball in the space form of curvature k. [Chavel, p. 169] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 23 . Target Date: Dec.7 Let M be a complete, noncompact manifold of nonnegative Ricci curvature. Then there is a constant 0 < c_1(M) so that 1.) (R. Bishop) vol(B(r,p)) \le \vol_{E^n}(B(1,p)) r^n for all r > 0; 2.) (S. T. Yau) c_1 r \le vol(B(r,p)) for all r > 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 24 . Target Date: Dec.12 [Sakai, p. 238, Ex. 2.] let M be a compact Riemannian manifold and pr:M --> M~ its universal cover. Lifting the Riemanniam metric, the fundamental group acts by deck transformation isometries. for p in M, let p~ in pr^(-1)(p) and define a norm on the fundamental group by ||g|| = d(p~,g(p~)). For a positive number r, define N(r) = #{g in \pi_1(M,p): ||g|| < r} h(\pi_1(M,p)) = lim inf_{r\to\infty} log N(r) / r h(M) = lim inf_{r\to\infty} log(vol(B(r,p~)) / r. Prove that 1.) h(\pi_1(M,p)) and h(M) do not depend on the choice of p~. 2.) h(M) \ge h(\pi_1(M,p)). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HW 25. Target Date: Dec.14 Suppose M^n is a compact manifold whose sectional curvature is greater than L>0. Assume that the diameter \pi / (2Ã L) < diam(M) \le \pi / \sqrt(L). then there is a point q in M so that any nontrivial geodesic from q to q has length at least \pi/sqrt(L). =================================end====================================