Math 1220 - 3 Schedule and Homework Problems Jan. 4, 2001 Treibergs Day, Mo. Sec. TOPIC Page[ Numbers ] F, Jan. 4 7.1 Natural Logarithms 324[1-33 odd, 36, 37, 39, 46, 49] M 7 WeBWorK Presentation T 8 7.2 Inverse Functions 329[1-25 odd, 29, 31, 37, 43] W 9 7.3 Natural Exponential 335[1-43 odd, 44, 48, 53] F 11 7.4 General log / exp 340[1-45 odd] M 14 7.5 Exponential growth 345[1-31 odd, 24] T 15 7.6 1st order linear ODE 350[1-19 odd, 24, 25] W 16 7.7 Inverse trig. fn. 356[1-59 odd, 77] F 18 7.8 Hyperbolic fn. 363[1-33 odd] M 21 Martin Luther King HOLIDAY T 22 7.9 Inverse hyp. functions 363[35-53 odd] W 23 Review F 25 FIRST MIDTERM EXAM M 28 8.1 Integ. by substitution 376[1-67 odd] T 29 8.2 Integ. of trig. fns. 380[1-31 odd] W 30 8.3 Integ. by rationalizing 385[1-31 odd] F, Feb. 1 8.4 Integ. by parts 390[1-55 odd, 90] Feb. 2 - 26 OLYMPIC BREAK W 27 8.5 Integ. of rational fns. 397[1-33 odd, 41, 42] F, Mar. 1 8.6 Choosing int. method 399[1-41 odd] M 4 9.1 l'Hopital's rule 407[1-23 odd] T 5 9.2 infinity / infinity 413[1, 5, 9, 13, ..., 45] W 6 Review F 8 SECOND MIDTERM EXAM M 11 9.3 Infinite intervals 419[1-29 odd, 35] T 12 9.4 Integ. infinite fns. 423[1-47 odd] W 13 10.1 Infinite sequences 434[1-39 odd, 43, 52, 55, 58] F 15 10.2 Infinite Series 440[1-17 odd, 25-31 odd, 38] M 18 10.3 Integral test 446[1-31 odd] T 19 10.4 Comparison tests 452[1-33 odd, 41-46] W 20 10.5 Absolute convergence 457[1-31 odd, 42, 43] F 22 10.6 Power series 461[1-19 odd, 27] M 25 10.7 +, ­, ÷, * of p-series 466[1-35 odd] T 26 10.8 Taylor series 473[1-35 odd] W 27 Review F 29 THIRD MIDTERM EXAM M, Apr. 1 11.1 Taylor Approx. 485[1-21 odd, 25, 27, 33, 35] T 2 11.2 Quadrature 492[1-13 odd, 31] W 3 11.3 Solving Eqns. 498[1-9 odd, 15] F 5 11.4 Iteration method. 503[1-13 odd] M 8 11.5 DE numerically 510[1-17 odd] T 9 12.1-2 Parabolas, ellipses, 520[1, 9, 11, 15, 19, 27, 29, 31, 37], 526[1, 5, 9, 17, 19, 29, 35, 41] W 10 12.3 hyperbolas 530[1-15 odd, 21, 28] F 12 12.4 Translation of axes 535[1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 37, 43] M 15 12.5 Rotation of Coors 539[1, 5, 9, 14, 18, 19, 23] T 16 12.6 Polar coors 544[1-27 odd, 37, 38] W 17 Review F 19 FOURTH MIDTERM EXAM M 22 12.7 Graphs in polar coors 548[3, 13, 17, 23, 27, 43] T 23 12.8 Calculus in polar coor 554[1, 3, 5, 33] W 24 18.1 Homogeneous DE's 777[1-21 odd] F 26 18.2 Nonhomogeneous 781[1-21 odd] M 29 18.3 Applications of 785[1-13 odd] T 30 18.3 2nd order DE's 785[17, 18] W, May 1 Review T 7 FINAL EXAM 10:30 - 12:30