What I Do

COVID-19 Modeling

I have been working with an interdiscliplanary team from the University of Utah to Model the spread of COVID-19 through Utah and make policy recommendations.


Working with the Lamb Lab to understand the role of EBV co-infection in the generation of anti-malarial antibodies.


Modeling the spread of hantavirus in a Paraguayan rodent resorvoir to understand patterns of persistance and outbreak in low hantavirus prevelance rodent populations.


Examining the relationship between the baroreflex and cardiovascular stress as a dynamical system.

Math Modeling to Save the World

I'm a graduate student at the University of Utah. My research lies at the intersection of mathematics, biology, and computer science. I develop mathematical models of disease and use them to examine phenomena difficult to study experimentally. I am drawn to projects where the illumination provided by modeling and mathematical analysis can inform simple solutions to save lives. At the University of Utah, I am an active member of the Ecology, Immunology, and Epidemiology Group and particpate in the Mathmatical Biology Seminar.

Outside of work, I enjoy the natural wonders surrounding me by camping, climbing, and skiing.

Contact Me




Room 317
LeRoy E. Cowles Building (LCB)