War with the Russian Olive
Progress 2007
by Bill Wolverton

Weeds Progress — 2007
Escalante Subdistrict, Glen Canyon NRA

Following is the progress that was made on Russian Olive and Tamarisk in the Escalante Subdistrict of Glen Canyon NRA in 2007. All work was done by Escalante Ranger Bill Wolverton except as noted.

Follow up for Russian Olive in south branch of Fence Canyon and from fork almost to Escalante River. Burned Tamarisk and Russian Olive slash in abandoned channel of Dry Fork in order to get at several new Russian Olives and Tamarisk re-growth, cut Tamarisk at BLM/GLCA boundary in Dry Fork. Follow up for both Tamarisk and Russian Olive in Dry Fork from boundary down to abandoned channel. Cut up and burned Russian Olive slash and standing dead trees in lower Harris Wash near old Halls road. 0.9 miles of Russian Olive cleared on Escalante River by Utah Conservation Corps, from one half mile below 25 Mile Wash upstream to Baker Canyon.

1.4 Miles of Russian Olive cleared from Escalante River by Wilderness Volunteers, from Baker Canyon upstream.

0.9 miles of Russian Olive cleared from Escalante River by Utah Backcountry Volunteers. Majority of Tamarisk removed from upper reaches of Choprock Canyon with the help of two individual volunteers. Thorough follow up for Russian Olive in 25 Mile Wash, including all side canyons and several on BLM up to about ½ mile above GLCA boundary

Follow up for Russian Olive on Escalante river from one quarter mile below 25 Mile Wash to 2½ miles below East Moody Canyon Follow up for Russian Olive in Harris Wash from GLCA boundary downstream to rincon, but did not do side canyon across from rincon.

Follow up for Russian Olive on Escalante River from 2½ miles below East Moody Canyon to Swan Neck Bend, 9 miles. 244 new starts found plus minor amount of re–growth. Also checked Scorpion Gulch and found two new ones.

Wilderness Volunteers did initial clearing of about ½ miles of Russian Olive. Utah Conservation Corps did the chainsawing of the bigger trees in this section. Ranger Wolverton later followed up with more chainsaw work to get almost caught up with initial clearing. Final total for 2007 is 3.6 miles of the river cleared of Russian Olive, for grand total of 35.3 miles done from Coyote Gulch upstream.

Sierra Club group of two helped with clearing of Russian Olive in Harris Wash at the rincon, and finished clearing it in the side canyon across from the rincon. Also did another follow up sweep from GLCA boundary to rincon.

Bill Wolverton
October 2007


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