Practicum Experience 4020

Each student will spend six hours in an elementary school classroom, three periods observing and three periods working with one or two children in the classroom. You may already know a teacher with whom you can work. If not, choose a school that will be convenient for you to visit. You should do your practicum at a different grade level than last year (semester) so that you may gain exposure to a variety of grade levels, teachers, and techniques. Speak to the principal and explain that you are studying to be an elementary school teacher and would like permission to visit a classroom, observing a math lesson three times and then working with 1 or 2 students for three lessons. Briefly describe what you would like to do and give her/him the attached letter. If you have difficulty in finding a teacher to work with or a teacher who will allow you to complete your practicum as specified in the letter they receive from you, let me know as soon as possible. To a certain extent, we may need to be flexible to the needs of the teacher, but in order to write an analysis paper you will need the opportunity to evaluate students and teach a lesson to the same group. If the teacher wishes you to help students correct errors in worksheets or tests (or anything of this nature), you should work with a different teacher.

The first part of the classroom experience will involve observing three math lessons. These observations may take place in different classrooms. During these lessons you want to consider the observation questions attached below and the assessment questions presented in a video shown in class. Give a lot of attention to the children’s mathematical thinking and note any questions you have about particular student’s understanding of the lesson topics. This classroom observation will be the subject of some class discussion and an assignment. The signature sheet and observation write-up are due October 5.

Observation questions:

The second part of the classroom experience will be your work with 1 to 3 children in the classroom. In this part, during the first meeting with the children, you will explore the children’s understanding of a topic in area or measurement. For the last two meetings you will carry out lessons planned by you which are intended to further develop the children’s understanding of the topic you are considering.

Finally, you will write a typewritten analysis of your mathematical work with the children. Be sure to keep careful notes from your work with the children in order to have the information available when you write your practicum report. This report is due November 25 and will be discussed in detail in class.

How to Assess the Student: The First Hour of Your Teaching

Investigating your student’s understanding is an important part of preparing to teach. Although it is not realistic that you (or any teacher) do extensive interviews with each of your students before embarking on teaching a new topic, the information you glean from conducting this interview should provide you insight into the possible ways to listen to student ‘mathematically’ by tuning in to their mathematical ideas. The information gained from this sort of listening will help you make decisions about your teaching.

What The Practicum Report Should Include:

The grading on the Practicum Report will be based on the depth of your analysis of the child’s mathematical thinking and interaction during the lessons presented.