Dr. Medvinsky Michael
Department of Applied Mathematics
Tel Aviv University

it's me

Research Statement

I am an applied mathematician with a deep background in computer science and strong programming skills. I've finished my PhD studies in Applied Mathematics in Tel-Aviv University in 2013. I see my future in academic research and my objective is to find a tenure track position. I have a sharp learning curve and meaningful industrial and academic experience.

I was involved in software and hardware development and technological research since 1998. After graduating with BA degree with Honors in 2005, I've started my MSc studies in Applied Mathematics in Tel-Aviv University. As part of my Master Thesis under supervision of Professor Eli Turkel I developed numerical method for solution of infinite domain problems (local absorbing radiation conditions for wave scattering by elliptical body using modal expansion in Mathew functions).

Parallel with my MSc studies, I became a co-founder of a startup company (WeFi), which was seeded by Yossi Vardy and later attracted US$ 7M investment from three major VCs. The company still exists and its latest investor is Time Warner Cable . In WeFi, I was a main developer of demo-version of the product. Later I did technological and algorithmic research in networking and network connectivity. I left WeFi to pursuit PhD studies in 2008.

My PhD research was concentrated on a high order numerical methods for propagation of electromagnetic waves through the media with material discontinuities. I succeeded to get high order numerical accuracy in the presence of discontinuities in the coefficients of Helmholtz equation across interfaces, which are not aligned with the grid. A discrete counterpart of Calderon's operators has been used in order to achieve the goal. My academic work is supervised by Professor Eli Turkel from Tel Aviv University and by Professor Semyon Tsynkov who hosted me during my yearlong internship at the North Carolina State University in 2010-11.
This work was recently extended to a generally shaped smooth not necessarily convex interfaces, e.g. submarine-like scatterers. To be published in a near future.

My recent research is concentrated on a high order numerical methods for variable coefficient elliptical interface problems, e.g. anisotropic diffusion, with large jump ratio in the diffusion coefficients and solution with discontinuties accross the interface. For the purpose of an extra computational efficiency, the work is focuced in obtaining numerical schemes compatible with multigrid iterative solvers.

In the future I'd like to expand my skills and knowledge in areas of computational applied mathematics with application in acoustics, electromagnetism and imaging. I'm always open to new ideas and interested to enter new field of research, in particular, I'd like to explore time-reversal problems, wave propagation in random media and solution of differential equations with uncertainty. I'm also ready to learn new subjects and to apply my skills to challenging projects in biological or financial mathematics.

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