1. In Calculus you learned that
    cos(x) = 1 - x^2/2! + x^4/4! - x^6/6! + ...  
    for an arbitrary angle x (in radians).
    Write a program which asks for an angle (in degrees) and calculates the cosine of this angle using this series with the six decimal places accuracy.

  2. Modify the program from the first problem and define a function called mycos which gives the cosine of an angle using the above series with the six decimal places accuracy. Use this function to print a table which has angles in degrees from 1 to 360 in the first column, the value of your function mycos for these angles in the second column, and the machine values of cosine for these angles in the third column.
    Check for the accuracy of your computation by comparing the values in the second and third column.

  3. Modify the program for the third problem in the first assignment so that the table of trig functions is written to a file named output.txt instead of the standard output.
This assignment is due March 3th.