# Math 2250 # Fall 2000 Project 1 # Answer Template # # You should download this template from # http://www.math.utah.edu/~korevaar/2250proj1ans.txt, and open it from # Maple as a Maple Text document. If you are using Matlab rather than # Maple to do this project, make sure to answer each question that is # asked here, using Matlab commands where necessary and by creating your # own answer document. # # 1) Type in your name and student number here: # # # You are to complete the Investigation on page 44 of the text, # from section 1.4. We have added several additional questions. It # would be a good idea to do your project on this template. If you were # already working on another Maple file (e.g. the hints file), it would # be a good idea to restart and to reload DEtools, so that Maple will # reinitialize everything: # > restart:with(DEtools): # # (a1) What value of a=m/n and b=1/n are you taking? # # (a2) Insert the plot containing the direction field and solution # curves here. Of course, the plot should be preceeded by the Maple # command(s) which generated it. # > # # (a3) What happens to the populations as t goes to infinity? Explain. # # (b1) Use the computer algebra system to solve the inital value # problem for your differential equation symbolically, with x(0)=x0. # That is, have the computer do the steps in separating variables, # integrating, finding the constant of integration in terms of the # initial values, and finally solving for x as a function of t. # > # # (b2) Use "dsolve" to find the solution. Verify (and explain) why the # "dsolve" solution agrees with your answer from (b1). # > # # (b3) Work out the solution to the initial value problem of (b1) by # hand. You may use Maple to do the partial fractions step, or you may # do it by hand. Staple your hand-solution to your final version of # your Maple answers, and then hand both in together. # # (c1) State an interesting numerical problem which could be solved # from your symbolic solution. For instance, how long does it take x to # grow from a selected initial value x0 to a given target value x1? # # (c2) Solve the problem, using Maple. >