Traveling pulses and wave propagation failure in inhomogeneous neural media. Traveling pulses and wave propagation failure in inhomogeneous neural media.
Zachary P Kilpatrick, Stefanos E Folias, and Paul C Bressloff
SIAM J Appl. Dyn. Syst. 7 (2008), pp. 161-185.

Abstract: We use averaging and homogenization theory to study the propagation of traveling pulses in an inhomogeneous excitable neural network. The network is modeled in terms of a nonlocal integrodifferential equation, in which the integral kernel represents the spatial distribution of synaptic weights. We show how a spatially periodic modulation of homogeneous synaptic connections leads to an effective reduction in the speed of a traveling pulse. In the case of large amplitude modulations, the traveling pulse represents the envelope of a multibump solution, in which individual bumps are nonpropagating and transient. The appearance (disappearance) of bumps at the leading (trailing) edge of the pulse generates the coherent propagation of the pulse. Wave propagation failure occurs when activity is insufficient to maintain bumps at the leading edge.