Errata for "Principles of Applied Mathematics; Transformation and Approximation, second edition

pg 12; line -3 of footnote. "vetor" should be "vector".

pg 35; Caption to figure 1.7; "rotations" should be "reflections".

pg. 49; Problem 1.3.c; n must be greater than 1.

pg 72 line -6; The coefficient for the scale factor for the Legendre polynomial should be 2^n rather than 2_n.

pg. 116, line -9; K_n u rather than K u

pg. 129, line 2; dy rather than dt

pg. 175 Problem 4.3.9; - \beta should be replaced by = - \beta

pg. 568; The answer to 1.2.1 is not computed correctly. The matrices $C$ and $D$ are correct, but the representation of $A$ should be \begin{array}{ccc} {53\over6}&-{19\over 3}&-4\\ {13\over 12}&-{5\over 6} -1\\ {49\over 4}& -{17\over 2}& -5\\ \end{array}

pg. 593, problem 12.1.8 $\phi_tau=1/6A^2$ instead of $\phi_tau=1/6^2$.

Feel free to let me know about any other errors you may find. I'll add them to this list.