Math 4400-001 (Howe), Spring 2022: Introduction to Number Theory
Tu/Th 9:10am - 10:30am in M LI 1725
Homework and quizzes to be submitted using Gradescope. Your cumulative class grade can be found on Canvas (this may lag slightly behind what is on Gradescope).

Office hours

Summer (LA) - Monday 3:00-4:30pm, Friday 11:00am-12:30pm. These are online - click here for access instructions for online office hours.
Sean (Instructor) - Monday 2:00pm-3:00pm in JWB 323 or by appointment (online or in person for appointments, please email me to schedule at sean dot howe at utah dot edu).

Syllabus and book

This is a flipped class. Please read the syllabus carefully for expectations.
Note: The syllabus was updated on 1/13 - modified in-person office hour policy, added zoom access for class sessions, added that exams are open book and open notes, and added a section on course objectives.

Savin - Numbers, Groups, and Cryptography. Online PDF (there are different versions if you google; please use this one).


Video lectures and handouts

Timeline for updates:
  1. The weekly handout and the video for Tuesday's class will be posted by 9:10pm on Sunday; printed copies of the handout will be available in class.
  2. The video for Thursday's class will be posted by 9:10pm on Tuesday.
  3. Quizzes will be made available on Gradescope shortly after the corresponding video is posted and are due 30 minutes before the corresponding class (e.g., the quiz for the video attached to a Thursday session is due by 8:40am on Thursday)
  4. I will try to post a PDF of the whiteboard from a class session later that same day (starting 1/20).