FRIDAY 8am to 9:25am Stephanie Orgill Title: Image Translations, Rotations, and Scaling Colin McNabb Title: Biochemical Pathways as Linear Systems: Glucose Metabolism Nathan Taylor Title: Explaining Linear Algebra used in the Google PageRank Algorithm Tyler Hancock Title: Application of Linear Algebra to the Beer-Lambert Law in Analytical Chemistry Grant Keller Title: Elliptic Curve Digital Signature within Blockchain Carlos Martinez Title: Graphical Transformations in Computer Science MONDAY 8am to 9:25am Corrin Krogh Title: Nutrition and Diet Montana Throne and Molly Gupta and Laura Brannan Title: Fractals: A Visual Display of Mathematics Rachel Brough and Scott Hoge and August Masquelier and Ricardo Sonsini Title: Singular Value Decomposition Image Compression Will Stout and Tyler Hoskins Title: Using Linear Algebra to change Digital Images with Filters Anthony Calacino and Aini Liang and Monica Moynihan Title: Linear Algebra in Political Science: Candidate Preferences in Elections Final Exam Review started in any remaining time. Review continues Tuesday 24 April in LCB 215 at 4:30pm.