Updated 2013 1.2-2 y'=(x-2)^2, y(2)=1 ===== Details: See Jennifer Lahti's solution, reference below. The METHOD OF QUADRATURE is not referenced in the textbook. See however Maple's documentation on methods of solutions for ordinary differential equations, where the first and primary method is the method of quadrature. The textbook references in maple are a record not only of the origins of the methods, but the naming conventions as well. QUADRATURE means INTEGRATE and that is the method, using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate integrals. The plan is to integrate both sides of the equation and determine a candidate solution to the differential equation. The textbook famously omits most steps in the examples, making it difficult to identify the method and the theory applied. See Example 1, section 1.2, for such an example. FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS Assume f is continuously differentiable and g is continuous. Then DEFINITE INTEGRALS (a) int(f'(x),x=a..b) = f(b)-f(a) (b) (d/dx)int(g(t),t=a..x)=g(x) INDEFINITE INTEGRALS (a) int(f') = f(x)+constant (b) (d/dx)int(g)=g(x) Reference: Fund Thm Calculus and method of quadrature examples http://www.math.utah.edu/~gustafso/FTC-Method-of-Quadrature.pdf Reference: Jennifer Lahti's solution to 1.2-2 http://www.math.utah.edu/~gustafso/BackgroundLogExp-decay-law-derivation.pdf 1.2-4 dy/dx = 1/x^2, y(1)=5 ===== Start with the method of quadrature to get int(dy/dx) = int(1/x^2), both indefinite integrals. Use the Fundamental theorem of calculus on the left and the power rule for integrals on the right. An answer check is expected. Either cite the back of the book or do a complete answer check, handwritten. See Jennifer Lahti's answer check to 1.2-2, above, for a sample of the expected details. 1.2-6 dy/dx = x sqrt(x^2+9), y(-4)=0 ===== Start with the method of quadrature to get int(dy/dx) = int(x sqrt(x^2+9)), both indefinite integrals. Use the Fundamental theorem of calculus on the left and u-substitution for integrals on the right. Choices for a u-substitution are not many; settle on u=x^2+9 and du=2x dx. Then int(dy/dx) = int(x sqrt(x^2+9)) = int((1/2) sqrt(u)) The last integral is evaluated with the power rule for integrals, because sqrt(u) = u^n with n=1/2. An answer check is expected. Either cite the back of the book or do a complete answer check, handwritten. See Jennifer Lahti's answer check to 1.2-2, above, for a sample of the expected details. 1.2-10 dy/dx = x exp(-x), y(0)=1 ====== Start with the method of quadrature to get int(dy/dx) = int(x exp(-x)), both indefinite integrals. Use the Fundamental theorem of calculus on the left and u-substitution for integrals on the right. int(dy/dx) = int(x exp(-x)), = int(-u exp(u)), using u=-x, du=-dx = -int(u exp(u)), a lookup in the integral table, on the back inside book cover = -((u-1)exp(u)+c, Table entry 46 = -((-x-x)exp(-x)+c, use u=-x = (x+1)exp(-x)+c Evaluate integration constant c using y(0)=1. Then check the answer. See also online solutions to 1.2-10, with more details.