Definitions, Theorems, Examples, Topics for Asmar 2nd edition Chapter 3: 3.3 and 3.4 only 3.3 Wave Equation, Separation of Variables ==== The BVP u_tt = c^2 u_xx u(0,t)=0, u(L,t)=0, u(x,0)=f(x), u_t(x,0)=g(x) PRODUCT SOLUTIONS Assume u(x,t)=X(x)T(t) satisfies the PDE and u(0,t)=0, u(L,t)=0, then X'' -k X =0, X(0)=X(L)=0 T'' -kc^2 T=0, T(0) nonzero THEOREM. The boundary value problem X'' + p X =0, X(0)=X(L)=0 has only the zero solution for p<0 or p=0. For p=a^2>0, the solution is X(x)=c sin(ax) subject to sin(aL)=0. All other p=a^2 for which sin(aL) is nonzero have only the zero solution. THEOREM. A nonzero product solution u(x,t)=X(x)T(t) is found only in case -k = n Pi/L for n=1,2,3, ..., in which case X(x) = sin(n Pi x/L) T(t)=b[n] cos(n c Pi t/L) + b*[n] sin(n c Pi t/L) THEOREM. Solution of the 1-dimensional wave equation. The BVP [see above] has solution u(x,t) given by the series sum(sin(Pi nx/L)[b[n] cos(Pi nct/L)+b*[n] sin(Pi nct/L),n=1..inf) where b[n] = (2/L)int(f(x) sin(Pi nx/L),x=0..L) b*[n] = (2/(Pi nc))int(g(x) sin(Pi nx/L),x=0..L) DEF. A NORMAL MODE is the product solution u[n](x,t)=sin(Pi nx/L)[b[n] cos(Pi nct/L)+b*[n] sin(Pi nct/L) that appears in the preceding theorem. DEF. The FUNDAMENTAL MODE is u[1](x,t) DEF. An OVERTONE is u[n](x,t) for n>1. DEF. The NATURAL FREQUENCY of normal mode u[n](x,t) is the coefficient of t in the mode: Pi nc/L. The value of c^2 = tau/rho, hence the pitch of the sound from a guitar string can be changed by changing the tension tau or the mass density rho. EXAMPLE. Normal modes of vibration. String shape f(x)=sin(Pi mx/L), velocity g(x)=0. We find the mth mode u[m](x,t) = sin(Pi mx/L)cos(Pi cmt/L) EXAMPLE. A nonzero initial velocity. Let L=Pi/2, c=1, f(x)=0, g(x)=x cos(x). Then u(x,t) = sum(v[n],n=1..infinity) v[n]=(8/Pi)((1)^(n+1)/(4n^2-1))sin(2nx)sin(2nt) EXERCISES. The result for the damped finite string in 3.3-12 is of physical interest. The answer can be viewed as a generalization of the damped oscillator my''+cy'+ky=0 in ODE. See also 3.3-13, 3.3-14, 3.3-15. 3.4 d'Alembert's Method ==== THEOREM [d'Alembert's formula] The infinite string problem u_tt = c^2 u_xx has general solution u(x,t) = F(x+ct)+G(x-ct) where F, G are sufficiently smooth functions of one variable. THEOREM [d'Alembert's Solution] Let f(x) and g(x) be odd 2L-periodic functions on the line. Then the finite string problem u_tt = c^2 u_xx u(0,t)=u(L,t)=0, u(x,0)=f(x), u_t(x,0)=g(x) has solution u(x,t) given by the formula u = [f(x-ct)+f(x+ct)]/2 + int(g(s),s=x-ct .. x+ct)/(2c) QUESTION. The 2L-periodic extension f(x) is chosen to be odd. How does oddness arise from the initial conditions and boundary conditions? ANSWER: Consider the case g(x)=0. Then u(x,t)=[f(x+ct)+f(x-ct)]/2 implies 0=u(0,t)=[f(ct)+f(-ct)]/2, which says f(w)=-f(-w) where w=ct. Therefore, f(w) has to be odd. EXAMPLE. Product solutions Let f(x)=sin(Pi mx/L), g(x)=0. They are odd and 2L-periodic. Then u(x,t) = sin(Pi mx/L) cos(Pi mct/L) which is the product solution obtained by the Fourier series method. TRAVELING WAVES, SPECIAL CASE Consider the wave velocity zero case: g(x)=0. Then u = (1/2)f(x-ct) + (1/2)f(x+ct) = u1 + u2 Then for fixed t, u1 is a translate of f(x) by ct units to the right, followed by scaling by 1/2. u2 is a translate of f(x) by ct units to the left, followed by scaling by 1/2. Both u1, u2 are traveling waves moving at velocity c, as t increases. TRAVELING WAVES, GENERAL CASE Consider the case g(x) nonzero. Then u = u1 + u2 u1 = (1/2)f(x-ct)-(1/2c)G(x-ct) u2 = (1/2)f(x+ct)+(1/2c)G(x+ct) G(x)=int(g(s),s=a..x) Then the waves u1, u2 move right and left, resp, with shapes u1(x,0), u2(x,0). The geometry is unchanged when g(x)=0, but then the two shapes are identical. EXAMPLE. Let f0(x)=0.3x on [0,1/3] and f0(x)=0.3(1-x)/2 on [1/3,1]. Let L=1, c=1/Pi. Let g(x)=0. Let f(x) be the odd 2L-periodic of f0(x) to the whole real line. (a) Find the string shape at t=Pi/3 and t=2Pi/3. (b) Find the first time t=T when the string returns to its initial shape. Answer: t=2Pi. EXAMPLE. Let L=c=1. Let f(x)=0, g0(x)=x on [0,1]. Let g(x) be the odd 2L-periodic extension of g0(x). Solve the string problem with d'Alembert's method. ANSWER: u(x,t)=(1/2)G(x-ct)-(1/2)G(x+ct) G0(x)=(x^2-1)/2 for |x| < 1 G(x) is the 2L-periodic extension of G0(x) CHARACTERISTIC LINES. This is a study of the dependence of u(x,t) on the periodic extensions in its d'Alembert formula. We don't study it, because of the complexity. Much of the use for the idea is to simplify the formula for u(x,t). CHARACTERISTIC PARALLELOGRAM. This is a deeper study of the dependence of u(x,t) on the periodic extensions which appear in its d'Alembert formula. We don't study it, because of the complexity. Simplifications to the formula for u(x,t) can be dramatic. ====