Definitions, Theorems, Examples, Topics for Asmar 2nd edition Chapter 2: Fourier Series, Sections 2.1 to 2.10 2.1 Periodic Functions ==== DEF. Periodic function, fundamental period, base interval, periodic extension DEF. Piecewise continuous, piecewise smooth THEOREM 1. If f(x) is continuous and T-periodic, then for all real numbers a, int(f(x),x=0 .. T) = int(f(x), x=a .. a+T) EXAMPLE. Base interval [0,2] with base function f(x)=1-x. Create a graphic for the 2-periodic extension g(x) on the whole real line and find a formula for g(x) in terms of f(x). ANSWER: g(x)=f(x-2floor(x/2)) MAPLE GRAPHIC f:=x->1-x;g:=x->f(x-2*floor(x/2)); plot(f(x),x=0..2);plot(g(x),x=-4..6,discont=true); EXAMPLE. For the f(x) defined in the example, with g(x) its 2-periodic extension, compute (a) int(g(x)^2,x=-1..1); (b) int(g(x)^2,x=-N..N) ANSWER: (a) equals int(f(x)^2,x=0..2)=2/3 (b) equals N*(2/3) Orthogonality of the trigonometric system DEF. Orthogonal functions, orthogonality relations Exercise 2.1-8. cos(x)+cos(Pi x) is not periodic. See the HW set. 2.2 Fourier Series ==== DEF. Fourier series DEF. Euler coefficient formulas DEF. Nth partial sum of a Fourier series EXAMPLE. Sawtooth wave. Base function f0(x)=(Pi-x)/2 on [0,2 Pi], f(x)=f0(x-2*Pi*floor(x/(2*Pi))) [2Pi-periodic extension] Compute the Fourier series f(x)=sum(sin(n*x)/n,n=1..infinity) DEF. Gibbs phenomenon. THEOREM 1. Fourier series representation A Fourier series for f(x) converges to (f(x+)+f(x-))/2, provided f(x) is a 2Pi-periodic piecewise smooth function. EXAMPLE. Triangular wave. It is 2Pi-periodic function g(x), built from the base function g0(x)=x+Pi on [-Pi,0], g0(x)=Pi-x on [0,Pi]. g(x)=Pi/2 + sum((4/(Pi*n^2))*cos(n*x),n=1..infinity,n odd) EXAMPLE. A series formula for Pi. Take x=0 in the formula above. EXAMPLE. Linear combinations of fourier series. Let h0(x)=(Pi-x) pulse(x,0,Pi) and extend it to h(x) as a periodic function of period 2Pi. Compute h=f+g/2 from preceding examples. GIBBS. This example has discontinuities and we see Gibb's overshoot behavior at multiples of Pi. EXAMPLE. Changing variables. Reflections and translations. Compute k(x)=h(-x-Pi). The square wave formula reproduced by trickery. 2.3 Fourier series for 2p-periodic functions ==== DEF. Euler coefficient formulas for 2p-periodic functions THEOREM 1. Let f(x) be 2p-periodic piecewise smooth. The Fourier series of f(x) converges pointwise to the value (f(x+)+f(x-))/2. EXAMPLE. Fourier series of f(x)=|x| on [-p,p] (a triangular wave). Because the periodic extension is continuous, the Fourier series converges to f(x) on |x| <= p. Its a cosine series with coefficients a[0]=p/2, a[n]=0 for n even and a[n]=-4p/(Pi*n)^2 for n odd. EXAMPLE. Triangular wave of period 2p and amplitude a. Change variables on the previous example, g(x)=a - (a/p)f(x), which is a cosine series with coefficients a[0]=a/2, a[n]=0 for n even, a[n]=4a/(n*Pi)^2 for n odd. EXAMPLE. Manipulations involving the period and base interval. DEF. Even function, odd function. THEOREM. int(f(x),x=-p..p) = 2*int(f(x),x=0..p) if f(x) is even THEOREM. int(f(x),x=-p..p) = 0 if f(x) is odd THEOREM. (Even)(Even)=(Odd)(Odd)=Even, (Even)(Odd)=Odd. THEOREM 2. An even function is a cosine series, all coefficients a[n]=0. An odd function is a sine series, all coefficients b[n]=0. EXAMPLE. Fourier series of an even function f(x)=1-x^2 on |x|<1. Ans: a[0]=2/3, a[n]=-4(-1)^n/(Pi*n)^2 EXAMPLE. Fourier series of an odd function f(x)=x cos(x) on |x|1.