> #3.2-14 solved with maple > macro(swap=linalg[swaprow]);macro(mult=linalg[mulrow]); > macro(combo=linalg[addrow]); > A1:=Matrix([[3,-6,-2,1],[2,-4,1,17],[1,-2,-2,-9]]); [3 -6 -2 1] [ ] A1 := [2 -4 1 17] [ ] [1 -2 -2 -9] > # last frame in one step > linalg[rref](A1); [1 -2 0 5] [ ] [0 0 1 7] [ ] [0 0 0 0] > # Frame sequence A1, A2, A3, A4, ... > A2:=swap(A1,1,3); [1 -2 -2 -9] [ ] A2 := [2 -4 1 17] [ ] [3 -6 -2 1] > A3:=combo(A2,1,2,-2); [1 -2 -2 -9] [ ] A3 := [0 0 5 35] [ ] [3 -6 -2 1] > A4:=combo(A3,1,3,-3); [1 -2 -2 -9] [ ] A4 := [0 0 5 35] [ ] [0 0 4 28] > # Col 1 is the first col of the identity matrix > # Proceed to make col 3 the second col of the > # identity matrix. Then the last frame is found > # which should equal rref(A1) > # make a leading 1 in row 2 > A5:=combo(A4,3,2,-1); [1 -2 -2 -9] [ ] A5 := [0 0 1 7] [ ] [0 0 4 28] > A6:=combo(A5,2,3,-4); [1 -2 -2 -9] [ ] A6 := [0 0 1 7] [ ] [0 0 0 0] > A7:=combo(A6,2,1,2); [1 -2 0 5] [ ] A7 := [0 0 1 7] [ ] [0 0 0 0] > # last frame test passes > linalg[rref](A1); [1 -2 0 5] [ ] [0 0 1 7] [ ] [0 0 0 0] > # To finish the solution, translate to equations > # and apply the Last Frame Algorithm. > # This part of the solution is done by hand. > # Answer check A:=Matrix([[3,-6,-2],[2,-4,1],[1,-2,-2]]); b:=<1,17,-9>; linalg[linsolve](A,b); LinearAlgebra[LinearSolve](A,b);