Page 323, 5.3: 8, 10, 16, 32, 40 5.3-8 ===== y'' - 6y' + 13y = 0 r^2 - 6r + 13 = 0, char equation (r-3)^3 + 4 = 0, complete the square (r-3 + 2i)(r-3 - 2i) = 0, factor sum of squares with complex numbers roots 3 + 2i, 3 - 2i exp(3x)cos(2x), exp(3x)sin(2x), atoms by Euler's theorems y=linear combination of the atoms 5.3-10 ====== 5 D^4 y + 3 D^3 y = 0 5r^4 + 3r^3 = 0, char equation r^3(5r+3)=0, factored r=0,0,0 and r=-3/5, roots according to multiplicity exp(0x), x exp(0x), x^2 exp(0x) three atoms for the 3 roots r=0,0,0 exp(-3x/5), atom for the root r=-3/5, by Euler's theorems y = linear combination of the atoms 5.3-16 ====== D^4 y + 18 D^2 y + 81y = 0 r^4 + 18r^2 + 81 = 0, char equation u^2 + 18u + 81 = 0, where u=r^2 (u+9)(u+9)=0, factored by inverse FOIL (r^2+9)^2 = 0, substitute u=r^2 r = 3i, 3i, -3i, -3i, roots according to multiplicity cos(3x), x cos(3x), sin(3x), x sin(3x), the four atoms, by euler's theorems y=linear combination of the atoms 5.3-32 ====== D^4 y + D^3 y - 3 D^2 y -5 D y - 2y = 0 r^4 + r^3 - 3r^2 - 5r - 2 = 0, char equation You are supposed to find the roots using Theorey of Equations from college algebra. This involves the following theorems: Root-factor theorem Rational root theorem Division algorithm for polynomials PROCEDURE. Start by applying the rational root theorem to distill the possible rational roots into the finite list of all factors of the constant term (-2) divided by all possible factors of the leading coefficient (1). This gives the root list 2/1, -2/1, 1/1, -1/1 Try each of the four numbers in the characteristic equation, to determine if it is a root. For example, r=1 is not a root, because r^4 + r^3 - 3r^2 - 5r - 2 = 1+1-3-5-2=-8, not zero On the other hand, r=-1 is a root, because r^4 + r^3 - 3r^2 - 5r - 2 = 1-1-3+5-2=0. Then (r-(-1)) is a factor of the characteristic polynomial, meaning r+1 perfectly divided it. Use long division of polynomials to find the quotient after division, which is a cubic. Then r^4 + r^3 - 3r^2 - 5r - 2 = (r+1)(cubic) The project is then reduced to factoring the cubic, which can be attacked by the same set of theory of equations tools cited above. Finally, the roots are known, which happen to be r = -1, -1, -1, 2. Then the atoms are exp(-x), x exp(-x), x^2 exp(-x) and exp(2x) by Euler's theorems. The solution y is a linear combination of the atoms. 5.3-40 ====== y =A exp(2x) + B cos(2x) + C sin(2x), find the DE Like problems in section 5.1, the idea is to differentiate on the symbols A, B, C to identify the basis functions, which are atoms. Then exp(2x), cos(2x), sin(2x) are the three atoms. Euler's theorem produces these atoms from the three roots r=2, r = 2i, r = -2i. Then r-2, r-2i, r+2i are factors of the characteristic equation, by the root-factor theorem of college algebra. Finally, the product of these three factors must give the characteristic equation. From it, we construct the DE. (r-2)(r-2i)(r+2i)=0, (r-2)(r^2+4)=0, r^3 - 2r^2 + 4r - 8 = 0, y''' - 2y'' + 4y' - 8y = 0. =======end========