FAQ on maple lab 5, Spring 2010 ========================================= Problem L5.1. (Matrix Algebra) (5) Solve for X in BX = v by maple commands rref, linsolve, inverse. Coomands are like example (8): rref(augment(B,v); X:=linsolve(B,v); X:=evalm(inverse(B) &* v); (6) Solve AY = v for Y. Do an answer check using linsolve. rref(augment(A,v)); # solve using the last frame algorithm X:=linsolve(A,v); (7) Solve AZ = w. Explain your answer using the three possibilities for a linear system. Discuss the possible maple reports for (1) no solution case, (2) unique solution, (3) infinitely many solutions. det(A); # zero, unique solution unlikely X:=linsolve(A,v); # Nothing printed - it means no solution rref(augment(A,w)); # signal equation from last row ========================================= Problem L5.2. (Independent Columns) rref(A); # pivots in cols 1,2 col(A,1),col(A,2); # [1, 2, 0, 1], [1, 3, 1, 2] colspace(A); # {vector([1, 0, -2, -1]), vector([0, 1, 1, 1])} ========================================= Problem L5.3. (Equivalent Bases) v1:=vector([1,2,0,1]); v2:=vector([1,3,1,2]); w1:=vector([1, 0, -2, -1]); w2:=vector([0, 1, 1, 1]); F:=augment(v1,v2); G:=augment(w1,w2); H:=augment(v1,v2,w1,w2); rank(F); rank(G); rank(H); ========================================= Problem L5.4. (Matrix Equations) with(linalg): A := matrix([[8, 10, 3], [-3, -5, -3], [-4, -4, 1]]); T:=matrix([[1,0,0],[0,-2,0],[0,0,5]]); lambda3:=5; B:=evalm(A-(lambda3)*diag(1,1,1)); linsolve(B,vector([0,0,0])); # ans3: vector([-_t[1], 0, _t[1]]) = _t[1]*vector([-1,0,1]) # Basis3 == partial on t_1 of ans3 == vector([-1,0,1]) Repeat this 2 more times, finding a basis for lambda1=1 and lambda2=-2. Assemble the basis vectors into a matrix P, following the order lambda1, lambda2, lambda3. P:=transpose(matrix([[?,?,?],[?,?,?],[-1,0,1]])); Check invertibility of P: det(P) not zero Check AP=PT: evalm(A&*P-P&*T); # should be the zero matrix