How to use maple at home to make reports ======================================== Do you work at home, with only a slow modem or standard DSL? Then you may still do graphics at home, although it is less intuitive and a longer process. The process will be explained for MS-Windows. It is similar for Mac OS-X and Linux. What you need: irfanview, or a similar free graphics program, that allows you to view, crop, resize, resample and convert graphics files. Putty, for free secure ftp and secure telnet [sftp, ssh]. Use Putty to connect to the university account, a usual setup requiring site "". Set the default user name to yours in the "Connection --> Data" section of Putty. When you "save" the setup under a name like "math", then each use of putty will require only a password. You can customize in putty the colors and the font + font size, then save the setup again. Start maple [not xmaple] in the putty connection window. Type in the code below to see how the interface works. There are line-edit shortcuts and review of your typing [up-arrow]. Use the putty-supplied sftp.exe application to download your "plot.jpg" image, then double-click on the downloaded file to start irfanview. A usual sfpt.exe command line is sfpt.exe An alternative MS-windows setup is to install WINscp, from which is a graphical interface for secure FTP. WINscp includes a button to launch Putty. This mouse-based interface should make it easy to get plot files onto your local machine and then to view them in a graphics viewer [like irfanview]. Note: WINscp requires that you download Putty and install it, then download WINscp and intall it as well. Open Office and MS-word can be used to put together the maple code and the images. The result is a pad of paper not different from what you get by printing a worksheet from maple. All code entered into the maple interface can be saved as a file, then accessed again either at school or at home. Easy example: plotsetup(jpeg,plotoutput=`plot.jpg`,plotoptions=`width=400,height=320`); plot(sin(x),x=0..Pi); plotsetup(default); This example diverts graphics output ot file "plot.jpg", does the plot, then resets the plot device back to maple default. After the second line, try to transfer file "plot.jpg" back to your local machine and view it. Complex example: b1:=1:b2:=2:m1:=1:m2:=1: de1:=diff(x1(t),t,t)=-(b1+b2)/m1*diff(x1(t),t)+b2/m1*diff(x2(t),t); de2:=diff(x2(t),t,t)=b2/m2*diff(x1(t),t)-b2/m2*diff(x2(t),t); dsolve({de1,de2},{x1(t),x2(t)}); p:=subs(_C1=1,_C2=1,_C3=1,_C4=1,%); p1:=convert(p,list); X1:=unapply(rhs(p1[2]),t); X2:=unapply(rhs(p1[1]),t); plotsetup(jpeg,plotoutput=`plot.jpg`,plotoptions=`width=400,height=320`); plot([X1(t),X2(t)],t=0..10,thickness=3); plotsetup(default); This example solves a dynamical system, a linear cascade for uranium and thorium, then plots the solutions x1(t), x2(t) on one set of axes. ============================================================= Some useful commands: ssh -X -Y Sets up a vt100 terminal to the remote machine which can run X-window applications like xmaple, emacs, openoffice, etc. xmaple -cw& Starts xmaple with classical window interface, not java, 10-times faster. Must be run after you have logged in with ssh, as above. ssh Sets up a terminal window to the remote machine, but no X-windows. sftp Starts an ftp session for upload or download of files. emacs& Run the terminal window or X-window version of emacs. =============================================================