% LaTeX2e source file for 3.5" by 5" doorcard % \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{labels} \LabelInfotrue \LabelRows=1\LabelCols=1 \LeftBorder=1in\RightBorder=1in \TopBorder=3.25in\BottomBorder=3.25in \fboxsep=10pt\fboxrule=2pt % % Definitions of door card contents that change every term % \def\TERM{Fall 2009} \def\SCHEDULE{\begin{tabular}{llll} 2250-1 & 7:30--8:20am & MTWHF & WEB 103 \\ 2250-4 & 12:25--2:10pm & TWH & JWB 335\\ 3150-1 & 11:50--12:40 & MW & LS 102\\ OFFICE & 8:45-9:35 &MWF & JWB 113 \\ OFFICE & 2:20-3:10pm &TH & JWB 113 \\ OFFICE & appointment &MTWHF & JWB 113 \end{tabular}} % % Definitions of door card contents that don't change much % \def\NAME{GRANT B. GUSTAFSON} \def\TITLE{Professor of Mathematics} \def\PHONE{581--6879. Messages 581--6851 (Secretary)} \def\EMAIL{eMail: {\tt ggustaf@math.utah.edu}} % \begin{document} \genericlabel{% \fbox{ \begin{minipage}{5in} \raggedright \normalsize\sf \begin{center} {\Large\bfseries \NAME}\\[5pt] \TITLE\\[5pt] \TERM\\[5pt] \large\sf\SCHEDULE\\[1em] \PHONE\\[2pt] \EMAIL \end{center} \end{minipage} } } \end{document}