Math 6040-1: Winter 2005

Homework Assignments

Week 14.	Optional Assignment: If you turn this in, then
		I will read and return your work to you in your mailbox. 
		this is not a part of your grade.

		Please turn in the following on the lecture of
                Monday December 12th:
		Chapter 8. #8.30, #8.37
		Chapter 9. #9.11, #9.14
Week 13.	Announcement: No Friday lecture.
		Reading: Chapter 9. Read Sections 3 through 5.

		Please turn in the following on the lecture of
		Monday December 5th (Last assignment):
		Chapter 9. #9.8, #9.12, #9.15, #9.16	(corrected version!)
		Chapter 9. #9.8, #9.12, #9.15, #9.15
Week 12.	Thanksgiving.
Week 11.	Announcement: Thanksgiving is Nov. 24-25; we do not meet on Nov. 23.
		Reading: Chapter 9. Read Sections 1 and 2 very carefully.
		This is a technical subject, and some care is needed.

                Please turn in the following on the lecture of
                Monday November 21st:
		Chapter 9. #9.1, #9.2,  #9.7 (Hint: Check the covariance!)
		Chapter 8. #8.28
Week 10. 	Announcement: There are no lectures on Wed. November 9th
                and Fri. November 11th. We will not need to meet more than
                the remaining 3 extra 15-minute intervals, however.
                (Reposted: 11/07/05)

                Reading: Chapter 8.

                Please turn in the following on the lecture of
                Monday November 14th:
		Chapter 8. #8.21, #8.23, #8.27, and Exercise #1 of the notes on patterns
				#8.14 	for MStat track
				#8.22	for PhD track	
Week 9.		Announcement: There are no lectures on Wed. November 9th
		and Fri. November 11th. We will not need to meet more than
		the remaining 3 extra 15-minute intervals, however.
		(Posted: 11/04/05)

		Extra Lecture Notes (added on 11/4/05): 
		   click here.

		Reading: Chapter 8, Sections 4 and 5, 
		and parts of 6 that were covered (and more if possible!).

		Please turn in the following on the lecture of
                Monday November 7:
		Chapter 8. #8.8, # #8.10, #8.13 (Compute E(T) in the p=1/2 case only),
		#8.16, #8.20
Week 8.		Reading: Chapter 8, Sections 1-3
		Please turn in the following on the lecture of
                Monday October 31:
		Chapter 7. #7.13, #7.14, #7.21 (work out the details!)
		Chapter 8. #8.2, #8.3, #8.4, #8.7, #8.29
		[This assignment is a little longer than usual;
		you may wish to start early.]
Week 7.		Announcement: We will meet 15 minutes earlier
		every lecture for the next 8-9 lectures.

		Reading: Chapter 7, Sections 1-5; sections 6.1-6.2.
		Please turn in the following on the lecture of
                Monday October 24:
		Chapter 7. #7.2, #7.3, #7.6, #7.12, #7.25
				#7.31	for MStat track
				#7.37	for PhD track
Week 6.		Announcement: There are no lectures on
		Monday Oct 10 and Wed Oct 12. We will agree
		on make-up lectures on the Friday lecture
		(Oct 14th).

		Reading: Complete Chapter 6.
		Please turn in the following on the lecture of
		Friday October 14:
		Chapter 6. #6.9, #6.10, #6.12, #6.28, 
				#6.35 (parts 1 and 2 only)
				#6.25	for MStat track
				#6.36  	for PhD track
Week 5.		Announcement: There will be an extra lecture
		on Thursday September 29 from 1-2 p.m. JWB 222.

		Reading: Chapter 6, Sections 3-5.
		Please turn in the following on the lecture of
		Monday October 3:
		Chapter 6. #6.2, #6.3, #6.8, #6.15, #6.16
Week 4.		Announcement: There will be no lecture 
		on Monday September 26th.

		Reading: Chapter 5; 
			 Chapter 6, Sections 1 and 2.
		Please turn in the following on the 
		lecture of Wednesday Sept 28:
		Chapter 5. #5.2, #5.5, #5.6, #5.7, #5.8
		Chapter 6. #6.1
Week 3.		Reading: Chapter 4. 
		Please turn in the following on the 
		lecture of Monday Sept 19:
		Chapter 4. #4.5 (CHANGED: 9/12), #4.6, #4.7, 
			   #4.14, #4.15, #4.26
Week 2.		Reading: Chapter 3; 
		         Chapter 4, Sections 1 and 2.
		Please turn in the following on the 
		lecture of Friday Sept 9:
		Chapter 3. #3.1, #3.7, #3.14 for MStat track
		        Replace #3.1 with #3.3 for PhD track
		Chapter 4. #4.1, #4.2
Week 1. 	Reading: Chapters 1 and 2.
		Please turn in the following on the 
		lecture of Friday Sept 2:
		Chapter 1. #1.3, #1.17
		Chapter 2. #2.5, #2.6, #2.8;  at least one
		           (or more, for x-credit) of: 
		           #2.12, #2.13, #2.14