
Mohammud Foondun and Davar Khoshnevisan

Abstract. We consider the stochastic heat equation of the following form $$ \partial_t u_t(x) = (\mathcal{L}u_t)(x) + \sigma(u_t(x))\partial_{tx}F_t(x) \qquad\hbox{for $t>0$, $x\in{\bf R}^d$}, $$ where \(\mathcal{L}\) is the generator of a Lévy process and \(\partial_{tx}F\) is a spatially-colored, temporally white, gaussian noise. We will be concerned mainly with the long-term behavior of the mild solution to this stochastic PDE. For the most part, we work under the assumptions that the initial data u0 is a bounded and measurable function and σ is nonconstant and Lipschitz continuous. In this case, we find conditions under which the preceding stochastic PDE admits a unique solution which is also weakly intermittent. In addition, we study the same equation in the case that £u is replaced by its massive/dispersive analogue \(\mathcal{L}u-\lambda u\) where \(\lambda\in{\bf R}\). And we describe accurately the effect of the parameter \(\lambda\) on the intermittence of the solution in the case that \(\sigma(u)\) is proportional to \(u\) [the ``parabolic Anderson model'']. Finally, we look at the linearized version of our stochastic PDE, that is the case when \(\sigma\) is identically equal to one [any other constant works also]. In this case, we study not only the existence and uniqueness of a solution, but also the regularity of the solution when it exists and is unique.

Keywords. Stochastic heat equation, intermittency.

AMS Classification (2000). Primary. 60H15; Secondary. 35R60.

Support. The research of DK was supported in part by grant DMS-0706728 from the U.S. National Science Foundation.

Pre/E-Prints. This paper is available in

Mohammud Foondun
Department of Mathematics
University of Utah
155 S, 1400 E JWB 233
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, U.S.A.
Davar Khoshnevisan
Department of Mathematics
University of Utah
155 S, 1400 E JWB 233
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, U.S.A.

Last Update: February 25, 2010
© 2010 - Mohammud Foondun and Davar Khoshnevisan