Table of contents


slides - interpretative graphics language utilizing <PLOT79> routines.



where the final character indicates the desired output device

(4 for the Tektronix 4014 in the default Sun installation)

(see plot79 manual page for complete list)


Slides is an interpreter which allows rapid interactive access to the graphics routines of the <PLOT79> graphics package, with no programming required. It can be invoked by itself, or it can function as a filter, by which means a command file can be passed in using input redirection. The plottable output is sent to a file named by the CRT environment variable, or to CRT.num if CRT is undefined (num is a number which begins at 1 and is incremented appropriately to prevent files being overwritten).

Users with little computer experience may prefer to start with drawit, the menu-driven front-end for <PLOT79>. Other users may prefer to link the <PLOT79> routines into their own main C or FORTRAN programs, or to use the pre-written programs grapht, graph3t, or piechtt. Slides allows plot files created by these programs to be further processed, for example, to add additional labels. The program rdinfo provides further documentation on slides.


files required to make slides
executable file (slides4 on default Sun installation)
various environment definitions, an appropriate subset of which should be placed in the user's .cshrc or .profile file


document (1L), drawit(1L), grapht(1L), graph3t(1L), lptops(1L), pfort(1L), piechtt(1L), plot79-intro(1L), plot79(1L), pluto(1L), pretty(1L), rdinfo(1L), sf3(1L), tekalw(1L), tkvecs(1L), tmacro(1L), world(1L)


Nelson H. F. Beebe, Ph.D.

Center for Scientific Computing

South Physics Building

University of Utah

Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Tel: (801) 581-5254

(Manual page by R. P. C. Rodgers, Computer Applications in Laboratory Medicine Project, UCSF, San Francisco, CA 94143).