Biology 6500 at the University of Utah

Course Information

  • Syllabus
  • Great quotes
  • R Code from class

  • Project Progress Reports: They've been moved back to the week of Nov 13. Like the PIPs, we'll try to keep them to 7 minutes, at most two slides (emailed it to me ideally as pdf), and I'll try to be tougher about keeping people on time. I haven't decided on how to determine and reveal the order of presentations.

  • Problem 1: Due on August 28
    Modify the rare disease simulation to include some fraction of false negatives. Make a graph that illustrates something interesting. Does your simulation match the mathematical expectation for that case?
  • Kind of assigned problem 2: "Due" on September 4
    Take a look at the data people generated (source the file "readraw.R" in Rcode/geometric) and then use the ideas in fiendish.R. Can you see what the other fiends were up to?
  • Really assigned homework 3 for September 11
  • Figure out how to create data where the event rate lambda changes over time. Make a Kaplan-Meier plot of your results. Does it resemble your original assumption?
  • Homework 4 for September 25
  • 1. Use the word "heteroscedasticity" in conversation with a non-statistician. Extra credit if it triggers a serious long-term relationship.
    2. Create, find, or steal a data set with one continuous covariate and one factor (with two or more levels) that has a significant interaction. Show that recentering the data does not change the interaction, but does change the "main effects". Create a graph that makes sense of these results.