School on birational geometry and moduli spaces
June 1-11, 2010 at the University of Utah





MRC 2010- Snowbird


Izzet Coskun, June 7 - June 11, 11:30 - 12:30 PM

Title: The birational geometry of the moduli spaces of curves.

Abstract: In these lectures, we will discuss the birational geometry and Mori theory of moduli spaces such as the moduli
space of stable curves of genus g and the Kontsevich moduli space of genus zero stable maps. We will begin by studying
the ample and effective cones of these moduli spaces. We will study the stable base locus decomposition of the effective
cone and the corresponding birational models. We will discuss recent progress in the minimal model program for the moduli
space of curves due to Hassett and Hyeon. The focus of these lectures will be to illustrate the general theory in a few concrete,
explicit examples. A list of references can be found here